Izbira plemenjaka

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: 10 Februar 2012, 19:34:29
Luštn prispevek oz. razmišljanje na temo izbire plemenjaka.

What makes a great studdog

Real studdogs are hard to find but I belive talented breeders can pick up studdogs by instinct. Stud dogs should stand out and have this ultimate vitality. What is this vitality and how to realize it? A must for a real stud dog is outstanding shape. This shape must be real and concrete, and the breeder can easily describe it or even draw it.

I often feel new breeders should not see their potential stud dogs near by but only from a distance. New breeders should see the studdogs from 200 meters and decide the male from there. The shape must stand out from a distance. If it does not stand out why bother?

Breeders should always keep the shape in mind as it is the key issue to produce the type. The type must be clear and the vision of it should be in breeders mind in all occasions. Stud dogs must be living examples of this vision. This shape you can reconize far a way. If seeing the dog too close many breeders loose the idea of what is most relevant and what is not.

When breeder is more experienced and worked couple generations with own breeding and has established own type it is time to get to details. Then breeder has strong vision about relevant issues and knows the big picture. The big picture is vitality, attitude, shape and type.

Vitality is a key issue. Stud dog should be on move when new beginner looks it from 200 meter distance… Real vital strong males do stand out also in action. There must be more power and attitude than the rest. You should pick up the males who are more powerful. Try to think your potential stud dogs as a wild pack. Who would be the one who would take over? That is the male who could mate females in natural enviroment. These are the very same males  which we as modern breeders should be interested in.

Do remember what famous Dr. Espen Engh said about movement: “The purpose of movement is actually to get somewhere”. Studdogs should be able to move! Vitality means that stud dog is healthy and has very strong temperament. These things goes hand in hand from the moment of birth. Strongest become leaders. Leaders are often the best stud dogs.

Choosing the stud should be easier and more natural than it often is. Why? Too many breeders lost the touch. They have forgotten what the dog breeding really is all about. Back to basics and do not forget the mother nature. Try to see what mother nature would do in your moment of time. Try to find the most vital leaders with true shape… They are still the best stud dogs.

Top breeder should find them easily if you just know what you are looking for and trust your intuition.

Vir: http://chicchoix.com/blog/?p=1290


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Odgovori #1 : 03 December 2015, 12:05:53
Nisem hotela odpirati nove teme, pa se mi je ta zdela najboljsa.
Iz cistega firbca me nekaj zanima. In sicer, ali lahko psicko avstralskega ovcarja, s FCI rodovnikom, razstavnih linij, paris s samcem, ki ima ASCA rodovnik? To sem se cisto slucajno spomnila, pa me res zanima. In ce lahko, kaksen rodovnik potem dobijo mladicki, si izberes FCI ali ASCA?
Upam, da bo kdo znal povedat, ze vnaprej hvala za odgovore.


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Odgovori #2 : 04 December 2015, 05:57:12
Po moji čisto kmečki logiki pes, ki nima obeh staršev z FCI rodovnikov ne more dobit rodovnika FCI. Mislim, da ni pomembno, če ima ASCA rodovnik.

Ker pa tega članka zgoraj še nisem videla pa mogoče še kratek komentar na to. Že mogoče, da je narava poskrbela, da lahko parijo samo najmočnejši samci, ampak razlog za to je pa v preživetju. Močnejši mladiči so, večja verjetnost je, da jih ne bo počofala kakšna druga zver. V vzreji psov danes pa ni pomembno samo to, da dobiš močne mladiče,to je samo en od razlogov...


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Odgovori #3 : 04 December 2015, 07:35:19
To bodo verjetno avstralci bolje vedeli....A ni ASCA podružnica FCI, potemtakem bi moralo it, da psa tudi FCI prizna?

Le vkup uboga gmajna!


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Odgovori #4 : 16 Marec 2016, 11:14:11
fiola1, ker še vedno nisi dobila odgovora, za tole sicer res ne bi bilo treba odpirati nove ;), je odgovor naslednji:

Ameriško združenje za avstralske ovčarje (ASCA) žal ni priznano od FCI. Pasma je sicer priznana v FCI šele od l. 2007 z uradnim standardom iz l. 2009.
Veliko lastnikov psov in vzrediteljev ima svoje pse registrirane pri ASCA in hkrati FCI (v Evropi) oz. hkrati AKC v ZDA, saj je ASCA matični klub pasme (podobno kot je ISDS za border collie-je).

V Evropi in ZDA so nekateri vzreditelji celo tako ponosni, da svojih psov ne želijo registrirati pri teh kinoloških združenjih, temveč samo v ASCA (WEWASC v Evropi).

Če te tako zanima ta pasma, pobrskaj po spletnih straneh ASCA in ostalih, veliko boš izvedela. Lahko pa vprašaš tudi lastnike te pasme seveda, najbolje direktno v živo, na FB ...

Pri tem poslušaj svoje srce in ne pozabi na zdravo pamet ;)