Knjige o psih

ninci · 203301


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Odgovori #330 : 26 Oktober 2011, 14:49:53
Pa jaz mam par prijateljic, ki imajo psice in bi rada tudi kak skupen sprehod sproščena opravila, na pa v stalni preži in na distanci in preusmirjanju. Zaradi tega, pa drugo leto spet začnem s treningi in bojo spet večinoma psice in je res nujno, da se nauči tolerirat tudi psice, ki ji niso všeč.

Gleda na opisano bom res kupla Click To Calm.
Le vkup uboga gmajna!


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Odgovori #331 : 13 November 2011, 16:29:44
Pri nas jo imajo v knjižnici............če jo imaš moderno dostopno pa tudi nič hudega  :) . Za v arhiv.


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Odgovori #332 : 13 Januar 2012, 12:48:39
Click to Calm je na polici pri meni doma, samo čas moram najti, da jo preberm.

Zdaj sem na lovu za knjigami o IGRI s psom, posebno cufanje, spodbujanje, način igre. Če ima kdo na zalogi kako tako knjigo in mi jo odstopi, da si jo prekopiram bi bilo super.
Le vkup uboga gmajna!


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Odgovori #333 : 06 Oktober 2012, 13:16:01
Iščem knjigo Control Unleashed od Leslie McDewitt, tako da se priporočam za informacije, kje se jo da kupit. Book Depository je nima, tudi na Ebayu je ni.. Če jo kdo prodaja, jo kupim :)


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  • ..: Cosmo :..
Odgovori #334 : 06 Oktober 2012, 13:22:18
Meredith na amazonu je..

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed

Hoiker's Cosmic Adventure
Moj album


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Odgovori #335 : 07 Februar 2013, 14:44:08
Prodam nekaj pasjih knjig - praktično nove (enkrat prebrane, ali pa še to ne :P)

- G. Spadafori: Psi za telebane
- S. Coren: Kako razmišljajo psi
- B. Fogle: Naš pes
- C. Osborne: Naravno zdrav pes
- C. Osborne: Naravno zdrava mačka
- H. Dunphy: Psi-naučite se razumeti svojega ljubljenčka
- Nasveti za pasje prijatelje

Info na ZS :)


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Odgovori #336 : 16 Februar 2013, 21:01:28
Jaz imam par osnovnih knjig (101 trik, Govorite po pasje itd.) jih pa pričakujem še nekaj.

Na wish listi imam pa še We give our hearts to dogs to tear ker mi po opisu deluje kot zanimivo branje.  :)

"This is the story of a family and their animal companions for thirty years. It is at one level about the Jack Russell terriers Ifrit, Bungee, and their own friends as well as the people who nominally owned them and other dogs as well. Alston Chase tells of his search for the immortality of dogs, what makes them special, and why we willingly give them our hearts knowing that someday they'll die and leave us bereft. The answer he finds, does not come through attempting to produce exact replicas of them through inbreeding, as professional breeders often do and which he sees as a form of genetic death, but in their embodiment of spirit over mortality. It is through the window of their brief lives that we glimpse eternity.

To speak of the spirit of the eternal for Chase is not to ignore the matter of the Earth itself, of land and the bonds forged between man and dog over thousands of years. Chase sees the threat to dogs and people in terms of the decline and in some cases the utter defeat of rural life as such. The rise of social forces supporting unbridled urbanization, and of dog breeders who see dogs as creatures to be judged by conformation rather than ability are dealt with frankly. At a time when dog "breeding" increasingly follows the whims of fashion, with attendant threats to the future of dogs, the work of Alston Chase is of major concern.

This book is an eloquent tribute to the dogs we love, and a reflection on mortality, the limitations of life, and the final triumph of the spirit. Rich in poetic citations, it can be read as an environmental cri de coeur, as a naturalistic appreciation of a world slowly dissolving, or as a deeply religious reminder that even if individual peoples and dogs perish, the idea of immortality does not. And that lesson, which dogs teach us daily, makes this book special to read and moving to feel."

Every now and then a dog comes along who is truly special, a dog who touches the heart so deeply and connects to the spirit so strongly that it's clear no other dog who comes after will ever affect us in in the same way. Some call this their heart dog or soul dog. My soul dog was Mojo." N.W.


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Odgovori #337 : 17 Februar 2013, 20:41:29
The answer he finds, does not come through attempting to produce exact replicas of them through inbreeding, as professional breeders often do and which he sees as a form of genetic death, but in their embodiment of spirit over mortality. It is through the window of their brief lives that we glimpse eternity.

Zelo zelo lepo napisano. Lahko se samo zamisliš......

Talk to the animals. If you do, they will talk back to you. But if you don't talk to them, they won't talk back to you, then you won't understand, and when you don't understand you will fear, and when you fear you will destroy the animals, and if you destroy the animals, you will destroy yoursel


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Odgovori #338 : 11 Marec 2013, 08:01:45

Malo izven teme, pa vendar, mogoče komu pride prav!

Imam na voljo eno super knjigo (ki jo je moja psička že predelala in prerasla):
   - Leslie McDevitt: Control Unleashed - the puppy program    (20€)

Prodam pa tudi dvd od Kyre Sundance - Best puppy tricks  (8€)

Če pa ima kdo slučajno doma dvd Really reliable recall, in ga več ne potrebuje, se priporočam za nakup :)


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Odgovori #339 : 19 April 2013, 19:14:04
A prodaja kdo knjigo - ''Kako živeti z nevrotičnim psom''? Menda je skrajno zabavna za prebrat.  :)

Lep pozdrav,
Lunette &Co.


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Odgovori #340 : 20 April 2013, 12:46:55
Zabavna je ja. Ampak jo imajo v knjižnici. Je za prebrat in pospravit nazaj na polico. :)
Le vkup uboga gmajna!


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Odgovori #341 : 22 April 2013, 09:27:59
Sem že dolgo iz šolskih klopi in nisem pomislila na medknjižnično izposojo ::) Med police pobrskat in če ni ni. ::) Hvala za opomin. Že naročena  :)

Lep pozdrav,
Lunette &Co.


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Odgovori #342 : 04 December 2013, 10:32:33
Jaz imam že nekaj časa doma Canine Body Language : Interpreting the native language of the domestic dog . Knjiga ima nekaj slabih ocen zato ker slike niso barvne  ::) in so občasno celo meglene  ampak meni je super, večino stvari zelo dobro razloži pri nekaterih pa je potrebno predznanje. Slike so amaterske ampak zelo dobro prikazujejo različne situacije (različne pasme psov) in so dovolj dobro razvidne, da vidiš govorico telesa (+ avtorica opozori na določene stvari)

Every now and then a dog comes along who is truly special, a dog who touches the heart so deeply and connects to the spirit so strongly that it's clear no other dog who comes after will ever affect us in in the same way. Some call this their heart dog or soul dog. My soul dog was Mojo." N.W.


  • Novofundlanci so zakon!!
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Odgovori #343 : 30 December 2013, 17:13:21
Prodam sledeče knjige

Tracy Libby - The Australian Shepherd - 10EUR
Marilyn Mayfield - Old English Sheepdogs - 8 EUR
Psi za telebane - 18 EUR
Eve Adams & Sandy Roth - The simple guide to Grooming your dog - 12 EUR
Mary Ray in Andrea McHugh - Mary Ray's Superdog - 8 EUR
Melissa C. Alexander - Click for Joy - 17 EUR

Še slika:

Vse knjige so kot nove, pri volji sem kakšno menjat (in/ali doplačat) tudi za knjigo o TTouch za pse od Linde Tellington Jones, DVD Patter Games: Clicking for Confidence and Connection ali Every dog every day od Kay Laurence (knjiga in/ali DVD).

telo medveda omiljeno gibčnostjo tjulnja; vesele in iskrive oči delfina ter srce, ki je bilo tako mehko, tako zvesto in tako polno ljubezni, kot je bilo lahko le srce novofundlandca!


  • Novofundlanci so zakon!!
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Odgovori #344 : 03 Januar 2014, 13:42:57
Knjiga o Avstralcih in groomingu sta rezervirani, ostale so še na voljo!

telo medveda omiljeno gibčnostjo tjulnja; vesele in iskrive oči delfina ter srce, ki je bilo tako mehko, tako zvesto in tako polno ljubezni, kot je bilo lahko le srce novofundlandca!


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Odgovori #345 : 01 Marec 2017, 10:21:15
No jaz sem ravnokar postala lastnica 2 in pol mesečne mešanke Aske, pa me zanima katero knjigo bi mi priporočali? Želim da pokrije neko splošno področje o psih ter njihovi vzgoji in skrbi za zdravje.  :D