Cane Corso Italiano [Italian Corso Dog]

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Odgovori #3720 : 18 Oktober 2010, 11:54:18
Ja, po Epato gre hrana še bolj v slast :D.


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Odgovori #3721 : 18 Oktober 2010, 15:00:31
Jurij, moje osebno mnenje je in tega se tudi držim pri mojmu psu, da ne prehitro začneš s kakmi cepljenji in ampulami pa tabletami,ovratnicami za klope itd...mladič je še preobčutljiv za take reči. Določeni veterinarji ti to priporočajo že kot maldič, drugi svetujejo prve dodatke šele med 6-9mesecem,določeni še kasneje in nič prej. Seveda vsak se zase odloči.


Ivan Il teribile 1. Custodi Nos-> EU Dog Show Celje 2010->VP1, Europe Winner Male Puppy,BOB Puppy.
Sempeter,27.11.10; Excellent1, Winner Junior Male, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed;
International CACIB Ljubljana 16.1.11,SLO Junior Winner, Excellent1, Winner Junior Male.


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Odgovori #3722 : 18 Oktober 2010, 15:48:31
Miha z malo pameti je treba pa je ;) Kalcij, ki si ga sam hotel dodajat 4 mesečnemu mladiču res ni potreben, ker lahko naredi več škode in koristi bi bil pa zelo dobrodošel glukozam tako kot smo ti svetovali, ne vem sicer kako si se odločil ampak odsvetovati zaščito mladiča pred klopi in bolhami je pa malo  ??? Če je mladič preobčutljiv za ampulo ali ovratnico je preobčutljiv tudi za katerokoli klopno bolezen in antibiotično kuro. Se strinjam, da se ne pretirava s cepljeni in kakršnimi koli dodatki in filanji psa z tableti, ampak le z zaščito lahko preprečiš, da bi do bolezni prišlo. Tako, da mislim da ni dvoma o tem, da je uporaba teh sredstev opravičena.  ;)


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Odgovori #3723 : 18 Oktober 2010, 15:59:33
Ojla! :) Ja sej zato sme prašal pa poslušal, kalcijsa nsiem dodajal pa ne bom. :) Ej je pa res da ma vsak svojo teorijo glede dodajanja tega kalcija. Dodajal sem samo vitamine! :D Odsvetovati pretirano prehitro nepotrebno zaščito sem mislil. ;) Je upravičena sam ne boš ampule mladičku dajal ker ti je prvi veterinar reku da dej, drugi pa pač ne.Ful sem bral da prehitro dodajanje takih reči, lahko škoduje imunskemu sistemu al podobno, NE vsem, pač psom kateri so bolj občutljivi itd.. Čeprav itak nikoli ne veš al bo pes na kaj občutljiv, alergičen itd.. :)

Ivan Il teribile 1. Custodi Nos-> EU Dog Show Celje 2010->VP1, Europe Winner Male Puppy,BOB Puppy.
Sempeter,27.11.10; Excellent1, Winner Junior Male, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed;
International CACIB Ljubljana 16.1.11,SLO Junior Winner, Excellent1, Winner Junior Male.


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Odgovori #3724 : 18 Oktober 2010, 16:06:37
Po drugi strani ti pa lahko samo en klop zaj*** celotno pasje življenje in ga celo skrajša. Pa ne samo klop. Tu so še komarji, peščene muhe pa "navadni" notranji zajedalci, ki bi se lahko tako namnožili, če nebi dobili sredstev za njihovo uničenje že zgodaj v leglu,  da bi lahko pokončali mladička. Po pameti, brez pretiravanja ne v eno in ne v drugo smer...   :-\

Brihta, čimprej bit taka kot vedno! :)

Never argue with an idiot; first he will drag you down to his level, then he will beat you with experience :P


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Odgovori #3725 : 18 Oktober 2010, 17:17:05
Brihti hitro okrevanje želimo še z naše strani. Teli klopi in podobni zajedalci so res hudič, in mi smo tudi dajali ampule redno sploh poleti. In moram reči, da smo se kar uspešno branili pred klopi. Ampak že eden je dosti, če je tisti taukužen. :'(


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Odgovori #3726 : 18 Oktober 2010, 19:54:35
Nevem jst mu vsak dan gledam dlako pa kožo, pa ne opazim ne klopov, ne bolh, ne uši ne nič imam tako srečo da res nič ne dobi,čepraw se tudi moj okoli po travah sprehaja pa teka itd.. :) Potrkejmo po lesu da bo tako še naprej! :P :) Edino kar mi je rejec do sedaj svetoval je blo enkrat >> Ivomec << al neki takga. Pa še to pol nisem šel iskat ker nevem,pač nisem šel iskat. :)


Ivan Il teribile 1. Custodi Nos-> EU Dog Show Celje 2010->VP1, Europe Winner Male Puppy,BOB Puppy.
Sempeter,27.11.10; Excellent1, Winner Junior Male, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed;
International CACIB Ljubljana 16.1.11,SLO Junior Winner, Excellent1, Winner Junior Male.


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Odgovori #3727 : 18 Oktober 2010, 22:08:09
Obstaja kakšna raziskava o tem, da je glukozamin koristen za mladiče?


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Odgovori #3728 : 19 Oktober 2010, 09:43:44
Whats up corsomaniacs  :P

Jest osebno mislim, da je bolje uporablajti veliko mero zdrave pameti pri raznih dodatkih, in tudi pri prehrani..moje mišljenje je, da se mladič počasi razvija in tudi z težo ne pretiravati, ker tako kosti manj trpijo, in tudi lepše se razvije...

btw ima kdo mogoče kakšne izkušnje z hranjenjem mladiča z hrano za odrasle pse?

Pač imamo to srečo (lahko bereš tudi smolo  :P), da živimo zraven gozda in travnikov, zato bomo tudi našega ščeneta zaščitili proti tem krvosesom...pravjo, bolš preventiva kakor kurativa :)

@miha....izgleda da si res rojen pod srečno zvezdo  :P, prvo si si izbral šampionskega psa,točno takega kot si ga iskal, sedaj ima že prvo lovoriko, za povrhu ga pa še klopi nemarajo, svaka čast...jest bi mel tud takega psa  ;)

še mal še mal  :o


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Odgovori #3729 : 19 Oktober 2010, 15:41:25
Btw, ni tema vem, ma že ki je govora o teh zadvah... kis je super dopolnilna zadeva za odganjanje krvosesov  8)

Never argue with an idiot; first he will drag you down to his level, then he will beat you with experience :P


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Odgovori #3730 : 19 Oktober 2010, 15:45:27
Btw, ni tema vem, ma že ki je govora o teh zadvah... kis je super dopolnilna zadeva za odganjanje krvosesov  8) tudi česen  ;)

Najboljših in najlepših reči na svetu, ne moremo videti niti se jih dotakniti. Čutiti jih moramo s srcem …
(Hellen Keller)


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Odgovori #3731 : 19 Oktober 2010, 23:29:29

@miha....izgleda da si res rojen pod srečno zvezdo  :P, prvo si si izbral šampionskega psa,točno takega kot si ga iskal, sedaj ima že prvo lovoriko, za povrhu ga pa še klopi nemarajo, svaka čast...jest bi mel tud takega psa  ;)


Ne tako govorit k mi je prow nerodno no...  :-[ :) Ja no sreče je, pa tudi psa sem izbiral dobro leto bi lahko reku, celotna zgodba o tem psu je pa doooooooooolga... :D Takrat sem iskal da bi bil še z malo več belimi odtenki na tačkah in prsih, sam je ta kombinacija kot je zdej tudi superca ispadla! :D Še lepo lisa na prsih se mu veča in združuje v eno,tako da sem VEČ kot zadovoljen!  :o

Kot pa že reku, do sedaj mu nisem še nič dajal, pa je vsak dan na travnikih ko teka gor pa dol. Kar tudi sami verjetno vidite tudi po slikah katere dam na net. :) Mogoče kasneje kake kapsule, a vse to ČE bo potreba! :) Zgleda da je zazdej res ena zvezda k lebdi gorej zanjga in ga pazi... :P  :P  :o Hehehe UPAM da bo tako tudi naprej...treba mal po lesu potrkat... :P :D

PS: kdaj bomo vidli kej tvojo novo mrcino ?!? :D


Ivan Il teribile 1. Custodi Nos-> EU Dog Show Celje 2010->VP1, Europe Winner Male Puppy,BOB Puppy.
Sempeter,27.11.10; Excellent1, Winner Junior Male, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed;
International CACIB Ljubljana 16.1.11,SLO Junior Winner, Excellent1, Winner Junior Male.


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Odgovori #3732 : 20 Oktober 2010, 12:59:29 tudi česen  ;)

Kolkokrat na teden pa daste svojim psom česen? Koliko je sploh priporočeno?


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Odgovori #3733 : 21 Oktober 2010, 10:02:27
Tale sestavek sem zjutraj zasledila na FB (hvala ata ROTT) :D in bi bolj resničen težko bil. Za vse tiste, ki imate puppy-e in se še "borite" z njimi :D pa za tiste, ki jih še čakate ;)

How to Love a Cane Corso, Without Going Crazy

 If you have ever owned a Cane Corso, you know that training this dog can be a serious job; especially if you've got a stubborn one like mine. But one thing that is not hard to do, is falling in love with this amazing dog. To give this dog all of your love, and remain sane, is another story. Here are my tips for loving your Cane Corso, without going crazy.


Can we play now? Can we play again?

And then can we play some more?


Cane Corsos love to play. If you are not an active person who enjoys physical activity, this is probably not the right breed of dod for you. The Cane Corso is a working breed, so don't expect to tire them out easily. They could play all day if you could keep up, but trust me you can't. So how do you maximize the time you do have to play with your Cane Corso. A Cane Corso's prey instinct is strong and they love to run. One of the best way to exercise your Cane Corso without tiring yourself out is playing fetch with the loudest, highest pitch, most annoying squeak toy you can find. When the toy squeaks your Cane Corso's energy will go through the roof, as she is now in hunting mode. Throw the toy as far as you can and watch her tear through your yard after it. This is a great way to exercise your Cane Corso without letting them beat you up. Keep in mind, however, this is only the Cane Corso's second favorite game.


A Cane Corso's favorite game to play is Tug. She won't care if it is a large rope, a bone, a disk, a shirt, a shoe, etc. She likes to flex her muscles and she like to pretend she is dominant over you. Playing tug with your Cane Corso is a great way to bond with it. It can strengthen her jaw, her teeth, her back and leg muscles, and it is also a great confidence builder, but beware. Tug must not be played with a Cane Corso until she is trained and obedient, never bites or nips, and never shows aggression towards her owner. Playing Tug too soon in this dogs development will send mixed signals, telling the dog that it is okay to challenge your authority. It's okay to pull back, it's okay to fight the power, it's okay to take things from you. Although this is clearly not what your intending to do, this is how a young, rambunctious Cane Corso will interpret it. These are not signals that should be sent to a Cane Corso too early, or training will be even more of a nightmare then it may already be.

 So until your Cane Corso is trained, stick with the fetch.


If I see it, it's mine. If I touch it, it's mine. If I bite it, it's mine.

Oh did you think that was yours? Yeah, that's mine too.


You may have had personal belongings at one point in your life, but ever since you got a Cane Corso, you've had to ask permission to get in your own bed. A Cane Corso can be a possessive creature, but keep in mind, the moment this dog moved into your home it immediately took the role of head of security. As lead security advisor, it's understandable when your Cane Corso gets a little bit possessive; understandable but unacceptable. The best way to curb this behavior is to set boundaries from jump street. All your Cane Corso needs to understand that you control the resources. You control the water, you control the food, your in charge of grooming, and most importantly you control the toys. Once these boundaries are understood by your Cane Corso, it will be easier to curb her possessive behavior.


It all starts with the food. Never leave your dog's food bowl out for her to access at her leisure. You have to intentionally "let her eat." Keep the bowl out of her reach until it is meal time, and never feed her without getting something in return. I have my Cane Corso Bella sit and wait at her food bowl until I give the command "Okay." She will sit in front of her food bowl for ten minutes if that is how long it takes me to say "okay," because she knows if she starts eating before she's allowed that I will take the food bowl back. Without realizing it, I once put her food bowl down and left the room without saying the command. To my surprise, I cam back in the room ten minutes later to find that my hungry Cane Corso had fallen asleep in front of her bowl, and hadn't taken a bite. I said, "Okay" and she immediately awoke and started feeding. 


One last point on boundaries. Never let your Cane Corso play with a toy unless you have handed it to her yourself. If you catch your Cane Corso playing with a toy that she wasn't given, take it from her, make her do a trick (sit, lay, beg, etc.) and only then can she play with it. If you are able to teach her that everything in the house is yours, your much less likely to have a food aggressive dog, or a dog that won't let you lie on your own bed without asking her first. 


Feeding time is the best tool you will have when training your Cane Corso. This is a hungry, hungry dog, and although it may be too proud to always do tricks for your amusement, it wants to eat and so it will learn.


You Don't Scare Me!

Why Yelling NEVER Works.


There will inevitably come a time when you and your Cane Corse disagree. Whether it be over who gets the big couch, who that shoe belongs to, or whether or not tackling guests is the appropriate way to greet them, you are bound to butt heads. Please take my word for it, yelling at your Cane Corso will never work. First keep in mind that this is a true working dog, which means that is has been bread to be task specific. Once your Cane Corso sets her mind on a task, distracting her from it will be very difficult. If this weren't the case, she would be a very poor working dog indeed. So screaming for her attention is like yelling at a snow storm. Secondly, bear in mind that this dog was used to fight lions in the coliseum and to kill and capture bears in the wild. You don't scare it. Nothing you could do would scare it. Cane Corsos are a fearless beast, capable of ending the life of a half ton boar with one bite. Cane Corso have more bite strength per square inch than Pit Bulls and German Shepherds combined. Lions obviously have a much larger mouth and teeth than Cane Corsos, but per square inch Cane Corso can excerpt many hundreds of pounds more pressure. Trust me when I say, you can't scare this dog into compliance, so don't waste your energy.


What does work? Find a way to avert her attention. Get her to focus on you. Get in between her and whatever it is she is doing, and physically block her actions. Now you are in control. Make her sit, and reward her for her compliance. Positive feedback is the only way a Cane Corso can learn.


Be Patient, Please.

You're All That I've Got


When dealing with a stubborn Cane Corso, it can sometimes be easy to lose your patience. Many times in the first year of Bella's life I threatened to take her to the glue factory. Always empty threats, of course. The truth is, your Cane Corso will be the best friend your ever going to have. She will protect you from any danger, at the drop of a hat. She will be there for you at your lowest of lows, and not expect anything of you but your company. At times she will drive you bonkers, but she will never abandon you, and hopefully you will never abandon her.


Remember, she's your best friend in the world, but your more than that to her. To her, you are her world. So give her all the love you have. You won't regret it.When dealing with a stubborn Cane Corso, it can sometimes be easy to lose your patience. Many times in the first year of Bella's life I threatened to take her to the glue factory. Always empty threats, of course. The truth is, your Cane Corso will be the best your ever going to have. She will protect you from any danger, at the drop of a hat. She will be there for you at your lowest of lows, and not expect anything of you but your company. At times she will drive you bonkers, but she will never abandon you, and hopefully you will never abandon her.Remember, she's your best friend in the world, but your more than that to her. To her, you are her world. So give her all the love you have. You won't regret it.



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Odgovori #3734 : 21 Oktober 2010, 10:07:39
Kolkokrat na teden pa daste svojim psom česen? Koliko je sploh priporočeno?

Jaz sem kupila česen v prahu v Mr. Petu in ga je bilo za mislim da nad 25kg ena čajna žlička dnevno. In lahko rečem, da sem imela celo poletje (vključno z pozno pomladjo in začetkom jeseni, zdaj jih pa itak ni več zasledit) mir pred klopi in bolhami. Česen je bil pa tale:

Najboljših in najlepših reči na svetu, ne moremo videti niti se jih dotakniti. Čutiti jih moramo s srcem …
(Hellen Keller)


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Odgovori #3735 : 21 Oktober 2010, 14:57:24
Ninci, dober tekst.
Čeprav če zadeneš na loto, kot mi ;) se ta seznam nadaljuje še pa še...
Ampak kljub vsemu nazaj je pa več ne damo...
LP, d.


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Odgovori #3736 : 21 Oktober 2010, 23:13:04
Nekaj novih fotk naše Grozi ;) Stari smo že skoraj 6 mesecev...

Jurij, kdaj pa nas boš ti razveselil z kakšnimi fotkami?


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Odgovori #3737 : 22 Oktober 2010, 14:18:42
no pa smo ga dočakali  :o

Včeraj je prišel v Slovenijo Nitor star 7 tednov  :-[. Je super karakter, neustrašen zato bo potrebno ša kar nekaj stvari odnest iz stanovanja  >:D

Evo vam, za nekatere težko pričakovani detajli  :P
ViceEuro Champion TIMONIERE MARLO, Sangue Magnifica x malisana

wtf zakaj pa nemorem slik popat? Kakšen nasvet mogoče  :-\

"Sorry! There is already an attachment with the same filename as the one you tried to upload. Please rename the file and try again."


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Odgovori #3738 : 22 Oktober 2010, 15:53:33
ojla! uuuu lepo da je now kuza v slo!? ;D cestitam! :o da bi ubogal psa in pes tebe! :D aja za slike ko pises komentarje izberi ikonco slikco,pol se ti na okencu od pogovora pokazejo 2 oklepaja,tam notr prilimas url slike in potrdis komentar. :) to je pa vsa umetnost. :)

Ivan Il teribile 1. Custodi Nos-> EU Dog Show Celje 2010->VP1, Europe Winner Male Puppy,BOB Puppy.
Sempeter,27.11.10; Excellent1, Winner Junior Male, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed;
International CACIB Ljubljana 16.1.11,SLO Junior Winner, Excellent1, Winner Junior Male.


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Odgovori #3739 : 22 Oktober 2010, 16:21:19
no pa smo ga dočakali  :o

Včeraj je prišel v Slovenijo Nitor star 7 tednov  :-[. Je super karakter, neustrašen zato bo potrebno ša kar nekaj stvari odnest iz stanovanja  >:D

Evo vam, za nekatere težko pričakovani detajli  :P
ViceEuro Champion TIMONIERE MARLO, Sangue Magnifica x malisana

wtf zakaj pa nemorem slik popat? Kakšen nasvet mogoče  :-\

"Sorry! There is already an attachment with the same filename as the one you tried to upload. Please rename the file and try again."

No pa ga imate :o Čestitke!
Dobro še enkrat preberi zgornji zapis, če je >:D ti pride prav :P

Slike pa - spremeni ime slike, očitno je na server že naložena ena slika s takim imenom, dodaj številke ali črke. Še boljše če linkaš sliko kot je opisal Miha iz facebooka ali, mojega albuma ali katere podobne strani ;)


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Odgovori #3740 : 22 Oktober 2010, 17:11:09
OOOOOOOOOO kok je Rozi zrasla...prava babnca postaja...naša mala tud raste k goba ima že okoli 20 kg. Morn kako fotko nardit..:)

Čestitke za malega Nitorja...mali je faca, neustrašen...pravi je...sem ga imela priložnost že enmal prečohat.. :o :P :P


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Odgovori #3741 : 22 Oktober 2010, 17:27:29

evo ga neustrasni pobalin  ;)


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Odgovori #3742 : 22 Oktober 2010, 17:40:19
bonie, super slikce. Jurij, čestitke za novega člana.
Mi pa našo pričakujemo jutri in že komaj čakamo :)


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Odgovori #3743 : 22 Oktober 2010, 18:05:38

Naj se še zahvalim  Kaji za vse kontakte in vzpodbudo  :-[ in pa Nini za super navodila za uporabo ;)  thank uuuuuuuu
Seveda tudi Mihu hvala  8)

Pa lep vikend, moj zagotovo bo  >:D


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Odgovori #3744 : 22 Oktober 2010, 18:17:29
Mi pa našo pričakujemo jutri in že komaj čakamo :)

 :o Kaj je hitro minilo. No tebi mogoče ne toliko :D Srečno!!

Jure - album na FB moraš označit kot javen, če ne ni viden vsem ;)


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Odgovori #3745 : 22 Oktober 2010, 19:31:10
Smo odštevali dneve kot otroci, ki čakajo božička :)
Nina, hvala :)


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Odgovori #3746 : 22 Oktober 2010, 21:53:56

evo ga neustrasni pobalin  ;)

Uff, je pa lep.  :D

CANIS CARNIUM - vzreja staffordshire bull terrierjev


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Odgovori #3747 : 24 Oktober 2010, 21:59:20
Ta vikend je v Bologni pod organizacijo SACC-ja potekal 1. Cane corso day. Na današnji razstavi je sodelovalo preko 100 psov, sodil pa je sam Vito Indiveri 8)
Poleg današnje razstave se je včeraj odvijal seminar o pasmi, danes pa še predstavitev CAL-a, kjer je lahko vsak sprobal oz. mu je bilo pokazano kako se zadeve sploh lotit. Tako se je tudi Brihta malo "poigrala" bolj kot marker in rokav pa jo je jezila markerjeva palica ::)

Še nekaj fotk:
Moj moj :-* :-* Po celodnevnem "špilanju" Cirovega naslonjala ugotoviš, da mu Brihta po scrkljanosti niti do kolen ne seže :D

In kakršen dedek tak vnuk :D


Mislim da je tole Dea SM ;)

Najbolj zanimiva barva dneva

"Mister" del dyrium

Luštn je blo 8) Kot ponavadi ;D
Več slik v albumu:

Lp, nina


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Odgovori #3748 : 24 Oktober 2010, 22:47:25
Ste bili tam?! Super.
Lustna fotka s Cirotom...
Veš slučajno čigav je mladiček na 11 fotki na FB?


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Odgovori #3749 : 24 Oktober 2010, 22:52:11
Noro...js sem tud mela namen it pa mi žal ni uspelo.. :-[ Pa drugo leto  :o :o
Vse fotke so lušne...vam kar zavidam, ker ste vrjetno vživali..
Ja bli so tud 4 psi od SM: Diva, Dea, Medulanium girl in pa Murano. Si vse pofotkala.. :o :o