Tarča - target

zoe · 86605


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Odgovori #90 : 24 April 2008, 20:38:01
Majchy; Kako pa kaj tvoja golobička Nia, ji je všeč zvok klikerja? ;D

 :D :D :D Jap. Nia loves clicking. :P

Glede tagretinga sva delali, že vajo ''tap'', da se oddalji do nekega predmeta na tleh, se ga dotakne s tačko (click) in šiba nazaj k meni po treat. ;D
Pa ''touch'' sva tudi delali. In sicer v levi roki priboljški, v desni kliker. Pa se mora dotakniti najprej desne, da dobi nagrado.
Mala že obvlada in ji je ta vaja ful všeč. ;D

Drugače se pa velikoooo igramo. :P :P :P

LP, Maja

SPLETNA STRAN: http://www.majchy.com
PORTFOLIO: http://www.majarokavec.com


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Odgovori #91 : 25 April 2008, 13:08:15
Sem že dobila idejo, da preskusim z eno vajo, ki jo bom vedno učila pri enem komadu; pa da vidimo, če oz. po kolikem času bo komad postal trigger za vedenje ...

Ja, brez problema komad postane triger za vedenje. Sem videla pri svojih psih, nastalo je čisto slučajno celo, brez vsakega klikanja. Ena melodija, ki so si jo zapomnili, je "na svoji zemlji", tisti avizo je bil včasih zelo zgodaj zjutraj na radiu pred poročili. So se naučili, da se takrat, ko se oglasi ta melodija vstaja. Potem so avizo premaknili na poznejšo uro, psi ga niso več slišali, a ga še vedno prepoznajo celo po več letih.

Potem je bila ena melodija, ob kateri je že davno pokojni Žučko iz meni neznanega vzroka začel tuliti. Ostale psice so mu sledile, tako da je bilo kot v ZOO v soboto ob 12. Žučkota že dolgo ni več, psice pa še vedno prepoznajo melodijo (izvedba ni važna) in začnejo tuliti - vedenje so prevzele tudi tiste, ki Žučkota nikoli niso niti  videle.

Za vso ostalo glazbo se zdi, kot da je ne opazijo (razen tistih, kjer je vmes žvrgolenje ptičev ali oglašanje kitov), je pa bilo izredno zanimivo, kako so se zdrznile, ko je nekdo nagnusno zafušal.


  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #92 : 08 Maj 2008, 06:51:55
Maja...tista malo drugačna uporaba za target stick #1 ;)

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


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Odgovori #93 : 08 Maj 2008, 22:18:43
Kakšna je razlika med triggerjem in ukazom?

Los je car!


  • Gost
Odgovori #94 : 08 Maj 2008, 23:28:13
Iii, ker hud pasji ribič s target trnkom  :D :D :D. Azu, tale tvoj Wicko je tok faca, da ti ne znam povedat  :-* :-* :-*. Sem naše včerajšnje druženje še cel današnji dan sanjala, tako luštno smo se imeli.

Jaz pojem trigger uporabljam takrat, kadar opisujem, kako vedenje pri psu spodbudimo oz. sprožimo. Torej neko vedenje iz množice vedenj v fazi učenja. Ko vedenje naučiš, pa je sprožilec, da pes izvede točno določeno vedenje, povelje. Zadnjič smo se nekaj pričkali okrog pojma povelje, kajti Angleži so v teh zvezah pojem command popolnoma opustili in uporabljajo le še cue ... Predstavljaj si recimo takole - psa želiš naučiti sedenje na zadnjih tačkah. Če se odločiš, da ne boš delala na luring, kako boš to začela učiti na shaping - oz. a boš čakala, da bo pes slučajno nakazal nek gib v to smer  ::). Pes, ki je sredi sobe in naj bi nekaj počel, da bi ga mi s klikanjem usmerjali, kako naprej, lahko hitro postane zafrustiran, če ne deluje v smeri, da bi klikali in vedenja ponuja zaman. S tem naredimo dvojno škodo - po eni strani zamujamo s potrjevanjem vedenj, ki bi jih enkrat drugič pa radi oblikovali, po drugi strani pri psu dosežemo frustracijo in stres, ker klika ni, on se pa matra z razno raznimi vedenji in ne ve, da so v tisti situaciji to "napačna" vedenja. Če imaš tisto, čemur jaz pravim trigger, lahko psu namigneš, v katero smer naj vedenja ponuja. Zato so targeti različnih oblik - če dam jaz pred psa target stick, mu klikne, da se bo dogajalo nekaj v zvezi s sledenjem palčki, ker je iz izkušenj tega navajen. Če mu dam bel krožec, ve, da se bo nekaj dogajalo z levo tačko. S targetom kot triggerjem vedenj sem torej omejila možnost vedenj, ki jih v učni seansi želim spodbujati. Ko vedenje naučim, dodam cue in od takrat dalje potrjujem samo vedenje, ki ga je sprožil cue. Torej je v tem primeru cue/povelje trigger vedenja. V primeru glasbe je bil pojem uporabljem morda malo drugače, a še vedno v smislu sprožilca vedenj, ki seveda lahko postane tudi povelje. Tudi sledenje target sticku je samostojna vaja, ki je na povelju; hkrati pa trigger za celo množico drugih vedenj.

Fotografij iz Nemčije še nisem vseh uredila  :-[, sem pa našla tole, ki je še kar uspela - takole dela poleg pes, ki je bil to vajo naučen izključno na targeting (potem ko sem ga na svojo levo pripeljala na shaping).


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Odgovori #95 : 09 Maj 2008, 22:19:26
Hvala za tako obširen odgovor :)

Los je car!


  • Gost
Odgovori #96 : 20 Maj 2008, 08:47:41
target stick with base
Da ne pišem vsakemu posebej, takole je stanje ;):

> From: "Amy Shaler"
> Subject: Re: order (target sticks with base)
> Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 09:28:04 +0100
> Hi Maja
> They should be with us today/tomorrow so will post them asap.
> Amy

Po moje bodo tarče do mene prispele prihodnji teden; za prevzem v LJ ne bo problema, ostalim bom poslala; skogkatt, tebi skupaj s pasjim fitnesom ;).


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  • MyMy&Neli&Miyu
Odgovori #97 : 20 Maj 2008, 09:20:06
 :-*  :o  :-*

Joj, kaj bomo klikali  ;D


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Odgovori #98 : 20 Maj 2008, 09:30:40
komaj čakam  :o

sam še pesjanarka naj pride domow  ;)


  • Gost
Odgovori #99 : 26 Maj 2008, 00:16:49
A kdo mogoče ve, kaj je tole spodaj  ;D. Sem skoraj objela poštarja, ko mi je dostavil veliiiiiko škatlo včeraj dopoldne ;). Bom jutri začela pošiljati pošto, da se dogovorimo glede dostave. Potem pa samo še - klikat :-*. Za spodbudo in ker sem že večkrat obljubila  :-[, sem danes končno (sicer z veliko podkupnino, a vendarle) naštimala domačega snemalca, da je posnel nekaj vaj z Bajkom, ki sem jih vse naučila na - na targeting ;). KLIK Če se komu ne ljubi gledati vsega, naj sforvardira do zadnje minute, kjer je en minidistance s target stick with base  8).


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  • - Če ne tvegaš,ni vredno živeti! -
Odgovori #100 : 27 Maj 2008, 09:23:23
ooooooooooo  :o zdej pa bo  ;D ej to je blo pa kar hitro, bo prišlo celo prej kot pes domow  :)

pupa t.

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Odgovori #101 : 28 Maj 2008, 16:13:27
Danes sem pri Maji prevzela 2x taget stick with base  :o, itak sva s Toplo že probali in nama je šlo super  :o :o (najbrž, ker sva že delali s target stickom). Mi pa zgleda res ena super zadeva  ;).

To so pa moje tarče za tačke  ;):

Sem prilepila zato, ker sem imela več težav z izbiro barve pa sem na koncu prišla na te (hvala Maja  ;D), če bo komu v pomoč.
Uporabljam pa za sprednje tačke belo-rdečo in za zadnje rumeno-modro kombinacijo  :).

                    Lp, Nina & Topla

"Kdor malo razmišlja, se veliko moti."


  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #102 : 05 Junij 2008, 18:03:51
Z Wi sva včeraj malo sprobali target stick with base. Tukaj si lahko pogledate 2 filmčka - tarče se na žalost ne vidi (snemano z mobijem :(), vendar se vidi Wicekova hitrost. ;)

Tole ji je tak špas, da se z nosom kar zaleti v tarčo in hkrati že obrne. In če zgreši in se vmes že obrne, potem naredi še en krog do tarče. ::) Potem moram pa tarčo hodit mirit, drugače se preveč ziba. V hiši pa tudi poskuša čim hitreje po parketu do tarče prit in se tudi kar precej z nosom zabija not. Če ne umirim tarče, pa pride zraven in nastavi nos ter počaka, da tarča zaniha na nos. :o ::)

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


  • Gost
Odgovori #103 : 05 Junij 2008, 18:39:42
BRAVOOOOOOO  :o :-* :o :-* :o!!!!!

Tole ji je tak špas, da se z nosom kar zaleti v tarčo in hkrati že obrne. In če zgreši in se vmes že obrne, potem naredi še en krog do tarče. ::)
Ti ne veš, kako lepo je prebrati, da ima še nekdo s tole tarčo tako pozitivne izkušnje kot jaz. Si mi prav polepšala dan s temle  :-*.


  • Gost
Odgovori #104 : 11 Junij 2008, 22:09:38
Veliko tehnik šolanja s pozitivno motivacijo prihaja iz ameriškega akvarija Shedd v Chicagu (http://www.sheddaquarium.org/). Tam 30 let deluje Ken Ramirez (http://www.apdt.com/conf/archive/2006/speakers/bio_ramirez.aspx), ki je imel prejšnji vikend seminar na Norveškem. Moja komunikacija z Norvežani je bolj tako  :-\, ker se res matram s prebiranjem forumov  :(. Ampak toliko sem pa uspela razumeti, da je bil eden od poudarkov seminarja na delu na targeting. V tam namen so si ogledali film, kako na targeting učijo - morske pse  :o. Pa še filmček: http://video.aol.com/video-detail/sharks-under-glass-shark-training/1620253657

Jaz zdaj malo eksperimentiram z oblikami in barvami in moram reči, da če že nekega neposrednega uporabnostnega učinka ni (pač ne vplivajo neposredno na poleg, sedi ipd.), so to odlične vaje za samokontrolo. Psu se res vidi, kako razmišlja in skuša razumeti oz. prepoznati, ni samo ponavljanje za vabo, ampak prepoznavanje, oblikovanje vedenj iz psa navzven.


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Odgovori #105 : 15 Junij 2008, 00:51:13
Evo, še moje kratko poročilo... ker je tako "prijetno toplo" zadnje čase, sva se mi2 odločila, da še malo različne tarče sprobava :)

še preden sem dobila target stick with base, mi je pod roke prišla ena cunjica za prah, ki sem jo potem uporabila za target mat za sprednji 2 taci... in kaj sem na koncu ven dobila... predklon, kaj pa drugega ::)
sem pa potem ta predklon naprej porabila za "lepši" prostor, ker mi je prej prostor delal vedno tako, da je najprej rit na tla postavil, potem pa naprej v prostor... :)

potem sva pa še target stick with base sprobala. Sicer sva še bolj na začetku in vse skupaj delava na zelo kratki razdalji, ampak mu je približno jasno kaj in kako, pa vidi se mu, da uživa zraven, kar mi je pa itak najbolj pomembno :)

lp Nina



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  • - Če ne tvegaš,ni vredno živeti! -
Odgovori #106 : 19 Junij 2008, 17:15:07

rabim nasvet od vas,izkušenih klikerašev :) jst sem mojo malo naklikala,obvlada že "sedi" in dotik roke s smrčkom. ker ji gre dotik s smrčkom že super,sem hotla začet s target stickom. tu se pojavi problem - mala target stick grize,namesto da bi se ga dotaknla :-[ naj jo naučim najprej ukaza touch na dlan,al kako?


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Odgovori #107 : 20 Junij 2008, 13:51:04
V enih nasvetih lahko zaslediš, da najprej klikaš vsako interakcijo psa z tarčo - pogled, grizenje, smrčkanje, tačkanje in kasneje klikaš le še zaželjene interakcije. Samo zdej ne vem kako bi se to v praksi obneslo pri mladičku...

Jaz vem, da sem imela probleme mojo žverco naučit kakeršenkoli trikec s škatlami, ker je vse grizla ;D S temi trikci sem zato počakala in jih učim zdaj :)

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


  • Gost
Odgovori #108 : 21 Junij 2008, 02:33:15
n + n: Super sta!  :o Glavno je, da kužon uživa in da mu je delo v veselje. Sčasoma boš sama videla, v kakšno smer je smiselno targeting razvijati. Psi so res tako zelo različni v svojih afinitetah, da enotnega recepta ni. Ej, res sem vesela za vaju!  :-*

Dakota: Delaj najprej tarčo na hrbtno stran dlani, kar ji ne bo tako zanimivo, da bi te grizla. Ko se bo navadila dotikanja s smrčkom (kar, kot razumem, že zna), počasi preidi na stick. Moraš biti hitrejša od psičke in ji s hitrimi reakcijami preprečevati, da bi grizla. Takoj ko se približa, klik, stick stran, priboljšek v usta. Sčasoma se bo tega tempa navadila in bo grizenje opustila. Predvsem moraš torej ti biti hitra in psičko s hitrimi reakcijami usmerjati stran od grizenja. Če boš čakala, bo grizla, če boš eksplozivna, ne bo imela časa gristi ;). Amelie je bila tudi taka, pa se je v enem tednu odvadila. Da boš bolj sigurna, pa lahko z roke preideš na večjo tarčo, ki je ne more gristi, recimo na pokrovček od kozarca za vlaganje ali podstavek za kozarce. Smiselno je, da vzporedno s tarčo na smrček delaš tarčo na eno od tačk ...

target stick with base (in Cuz): Zaradi velikega zanimanja za target stick with base in zadovoljstva tistih, ki tarčo že uporabljamo, sem pripravljena, da nakup ponovimo. Ponudba je tule: http://www.learningaboutdogs.com/acatalog/New.html Koliko kakšna stvar pride v evrih, ne morem dokončno povedati, dokler ni znano število vseh naročil, saj je od tega odvisna višina poštnine. Poleg target stick with base je meni zelo všeč njihov target stick, pa Cuzi in vlečke so super ...

Vsi, ki jih naročilo iz navedene ponudbe zanima, mi to, prosim, sporočite na mail [email protected] Naročila zbiram do srede, 25. 6. Plačati bo treba potem v enem tednu - plačilo je garant za naročilo (brez plačila ni naročila), dobava predvidoma do sredine julija.


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Odgovori #109 : 21 Junij 2008, 14:29:24
Fino vas je brati. Kmalu tudi jaz dobim svojo pupiko. Prej sem imela psa 17 let, ampak je bilo bolj tako - sprehod, igranje, tistih nekaj trikcev. Zadnje leto in pol sem začela bolj podrobno odkrivati nove oblike učenja in dela s psi, zato se veselim novih možnosti.

Kliker in target stik se mi zdita ful dobra pripomočka, zato bi tudi izkoristila in nekaj naročila preko tebe maja72 (na e-mail). S kužo bom hodila tudi v šolo osnovne poslušnosti. Pri nas se učijo z pozitivno motivacijo, ampak z briketkom pred nosom itd. Zanima me, če bo kuža zmeden, ko ga bom recimo doma začela učit s klikerjem in ostalim, tam bo pa drugače (če se bo le dalo, se bom zmenila z inštruktorico da bi tudi tam delala s klikerjem)??

Naročila bi tudi Cuz, ampak ga bom spravila za nekaj mesecev, da bo tamala menjala zobke. Kakšne glasove spušča Chicken Cuz - bolj cvileče ali bolj prdeče :D? Jaz bi raje bolj prdeče, samo tavelik Cuz bi bil verjetno prevelik za srednje velikega psa (plečna do 49cm, teža do 12 kg). Chicken se mi zdi idealne velikosti.

Zaenkrat toliko.
Lepo bodite.


  • Gost
Odgovori #110 : 26 Junij 2008, 08:28:17
S kužo bom hodila tudi v šolo osnovne poslušnosti. Pri nas se učijo z pozitivno motivacijo, ampak z briketkom pred nosom itd. Zanima me, če bo kuža zmeden, ko ga bom recimo doma začela učit s klikerjem in ostalim, tam bo pa drugače (če se bo le dalo, se bom zmenila z inštruktorico da bi tudi tam delala s klikerjem)?
Če boš tudi v šoli delala s klikerjem in se boš o tem prej pogovorila z inštruktorico, bo optimalno ;). Tudi jaz sem bila v skupini edina, ki sem uporabljala kliker, pa se je vse skupaj lepo skladalo in se nismo prav nič motili. Najbolj pomembno je, da imaš ti sama pri sebi izdelano strategijo oz. osnovno usmeritev, kako boš psa učila, pa da si znotraj tega konstistentna. Kuža ne bo zmeden, če mu boš ti dajala jasna in razumljiva navodila, kaj od njega želiš. Tako da le pogumno, na koncu je vse skupaj bolj preprosto, kakor morda tule marsikajda izpade komplicirano ;).

Kakšne glasove spušča Chicken Cuz - bolj cvileče ali bolj prdeče :D? Chicken se mi zdi idealne velikosti.
Chicken kar fajn prdi  :D. Ja, po moje bo za tvojega psa prav chicken idealne velikosti ;).


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Odgovori #111 : 28 Junij 2008, 15:48:42
Hvala za odgovore, Maja. Sedaj me en teden ni bilo - do kdaj je potrebno plačati? Poslala sem ti že naročilo na tvoj mail, mi boš sedaj ti poslala, kam nakažem denar?

Sicer sem že brala o klikerju in o začetni uporabi, ampak mi lahko kdo priporoči kakšno čisto osnovno knjigo, morda kakšne linke na internetu, kjer lahko pogledam (tega je res veliko, pa ne vem, kaj bi vse brala), kakšne skripte, kje se vse to lahko dobi, kako izbereš strategijo oz. osnovno usmeritev ;) itd.


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Odgovori #112 : 29 Junij 2008, 15:15:29
Maja sem prepozno videla tole temo :( A se da slucajno se kaj narociti?


  • Gost
Odgovori #113 : 29 Junij 2008, 20:11:15
sasha: Še, samo hitro sporoči, ker zdaj sem pa res že ene 10x spreminjala naročilo ;). Prejšnji teden so bili dopusti in sem podaljšala, jutri oz. v torek bi pa res rada naročila, da bomo stvari dobili čim prej, ko so tako krasni in dolgi dnevi za delo ;). Pa pliz sporoči na mail ([email protected]), da imam evidenco pošlihtano. Res vas je veliiiiiko in mal paničarim, da ne bom kaj zafrknila  :-9. Veliko vas je spraševalo glede velikosti Cuzov - prejle je Amelie (PRT, 34 cm plečne) vsa iber vesela ukradla največjega Cuza (Fish) Bajku (FCR, 66 cm plečne) in vsa hepi že eno uro paradira s tem v goflji  ::).

sonce: A si ti k. i., ki si mi pisala na mail? Če da, ti bom raje na mail odgovorila in ti kakšno skripto poslala ;). Pa prosim povej, kakšnega kužona čakaš; kakor koli obračamo, to vendarle je faktor pri vzgoji in šolanju ...


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Odgovori #114 : 30 Junij 2008, 09:38:26
So k.i. mišljene začetnice imena in priimka? Če ja, potem to nisem jaz, ampak sem b.k. ;) Poslala sem ti tudi vse moje podatke, naslov in št. gsm-a. Ti bom še enkrat poslala mail in napisala, da lepo prosim tudi skripto. Moja nova psička pa bo irska terierka.


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Odgovori #115 : 02 Julij 2008, 23:13:03
Moja nova psička pa bo irska terierka.

 :o :o :o a res ? Ko smo se mi odločali za psa, se kar nismo mogli odločiti med irskim terierjem in parson russell terierjem. Potem smo se le odločili za parsona. Danes imam Casperja ki je postal resnično fantastičen kuža. Je pa res, da veliko delava, kar ga neizmerno veseli.

Si mogoče brala roman Michael, mislim, da je avtor Jack London? Če ne, ti ga zelo priporočam ;)


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Odgovori #116 : 03 Julij 2008, 11:28:57
Culto, moj fant se je najprej zapičil v jack russell terierja. Meni so bili parsončki bolj všeč, že zaradi tega, ker je malo večji (jaz sem štartala z nemško dogo - so mi všeč večji psi :o, fantu pa manjši). Samo še vedno sem imela pomisleke, ker se mi zdi, da so parsoni bolj živahni od ircev. Potem sva šla tudi gledat irca v živo in mu je bil ful všeč, tako da sva se odločila zanj. Večino se bom s psom ukvarjala jaz, zato sva morala skleniti kompromis ;). Vidim pa, da se parsonova druščina kar veliko dobivate in hodite skupaj na sprehode. To se mi zdi fino.
Za ta roman pa že vem in ga imam v načrtu za branje. Trenutno pa se bolj informiram o skrbi za mladiča in učenje trikcev oz. kako zaposliti malo žverco ::).


  • Gost
Odgovori #117 : 17 September 2008, 23:51:21
Za Neyko ;) in seveda vse ostale, članek o targetingu od očeta te metode, Garyja Wilksa. Po mnogih letih premora je od pred kratkim spet v prodaji originalni alley oops  :o, znamenita premična tarča, katere sodobnejšo različico smo naročali nekaj postov višje.

Wilkes je na targeting šolal pse za obedience, saj se da s tarčo naučiti zelo filigranske gibe pri denimo poziciji na poleg ipd. Pomembno je, da vodnik razume poanto te metode, potem je prenos dotikov z različnimi deli telesa v vaje, trikce ipd. resnično neomejen. Keller Beland je dejal: "I can train ANY behavior that the animal is physically and mentally capable of doing." Jaz imam psa, ki se ne odziva na hrano, zato so ga v eni pasji šoli označili za nesposobnega, težko učljivega ipd., saj se na učenje z luringom, kakor smo delali, ni odzival. Učenje s tarčo pa mu je zelo všeč, na ta način sem ga naučila vedenja, za katera so mi dejali, da se jih moj pes ni sposoben naučiti. Kakor ni težko spregledati  :P, sem velik nasprotnik luringa, a velik pristaš free shapinga in targetinga. Seveda pa tako kot moj pes ni učljiv na hrano, obstajajo tudi psi, ki niso učljivi na targeting. Je treba poskusiti in videti, kaj kakšnemu psu bolj ustreza. Za targeting lahko s tarčami veliko improvizirate; jaz trenutno psičko učim, da jaz ležim na hrbtu, imam noge v zraku, ona pa mi skoči na stopala. Kot tarčo sem zaradi njene oblike, ki mi je tu prišla prav, uporabila kar  - kuhalnico  :D. V bistvu je kuhalnica prav izvrsten target stick ;).

Targeting - Your second most important tool

When I was about seven, my parents made a  decision that they would come to regret - they let me take violin lessons. One of the horrible side effects of learning the violin is the "Gawdawful" made during practice. My first efforts as a violinist sounded about like a Bull Terrier at a cat show. That's when I learned about "fundamentals."

Fundamental behaviors are best described as the essential or foundational skills necessary to learn and perform  an activity. Often, fundamental behaviors are intended as stepping-stones to more complex behaviors. For instance, before you can read and write you must master the alphabet and a pencil. One of the important fundamental elements of clicker training is "targeting."

Targeting is the process of triggering instinctive behaviors by controlling a dog's focus. The most common use of targeting is "luring" --  where the trainer uses a small piece of food to focus the dog's attention and thereby trigger a desired behavior. This ancient method precedes the Pharaohs - and has survived for thousands of years for one simple reason  - it works. While food luring has some limitations, it was far superior to earlier methods of brute force.

While food luring has its place in the trainer's kit-bag, it has several obvious drawbacks.

 1) It doesn't work well at a distance.

2) The animal may never be able to perform the desired behavior without looking for the treats.

 3) The dog's enthusiasm may drop off severely any time he discovers that the food lure is lacking.

4) When using food for distance work, it is tough to prevent the dog from getting the reinforcement of the food, even  if he does the behavior incorrectly.

To overcome these limitations without losing the essence of targeting is pretty simple. Instead of using actual food as the lure, we need a target that can't be eaten. That's where a "target stick" comes in handy.

Target Stick Basics: About twelve years ago, I developed training methods that relied heavily on non-food targets. Back then, I provided my clients with my first  attempt at a production model target stick. My "Model T" was a 30" piece of ½" PVC. I coated the end cap with liquid vinyl for contrast and safety. My next model was a 3/8" wooden dowel with a  rubber furniture tips glued on the end. I eventually came up with the collapsible, anodized aluminum target sticks that are now popular, but don't fool yourself - the art is in the trainer's hands, not in the material  of the tool. To quote Jon Lindberg, a branch from an apple tree can work just as well. So, if you don't already have a target stick, get thee to a home improvement center and make one. Don't bother about making it  collapsible - if you need to fold it up often, you aren't using it enough.

Holding a Target Stick: With your dominant hand, circle your thumb and forefinger into a classic "OK" sign. Put the clicker between  your thumb and forefinger, while leaving your other three fingers extended. Grasp the stick with your remaining three fingers. This allows you to hold the clicker and stick in the same hand. Now rotate your wrist so  that the stick is pointing straight down, as if you were stirring a pot with a skinny spoon. OK, you're ready.

Introducing the stick: There are a number of dogs who are initially frightened by a target stick. This is  not an indication that the dog has been beaten. Dogs that are leery of target sticks are usually just reacting to an unusual object that needs to be investigated cautiously. To avoid getting off to a poor start, here  are three ways to introduce the stick.

1) Hold the stick so that the tip is barely peaking out of your fist, with the rest of the stick pointing away from the dog. Slowly extend your fist toward your dog's nose --  click and treat if the dog investigates the tip or your fist. Over a series of repetitions, gradually extend the stick so that the tip becomes more and more visible. Continue until the dog is comfortable with seeing the  stick in your hand. Gently integrate movement into the process so that a moving target stick is a "good thing."

2) Place the stick on the ground and put a treat under the tip. As the dog investigates, click, just before the dog gobbles the treat. After a few repetitions, hold the other end of the stick and lift it slightly off the ground. Continue to place treats under the tip as you raise the other end. Once you are sure the dog is comfortable with the stick, raise the tip off the ground. The dog is quite likely to investigate the tip - click and treat.

3) Smear a bit of hot dog or peanut butter on the tip of the stick and let the dog lick it off. Click and treat periodically, and replenish the peanut butter as needed.

Once the dog is comfortable with the stick, we'll start with some targeting fundamentals. First, hold the stick so that  the tip is up in the air. Gradually lower the tip so that it is slightly above the dog's nose and a little to one side. Now be still and don't move. Give it at least 30 seconds. If the dog moves toward the tip, click  and treat, even if the dog doesn't go all the way. Repeat this until the behavior is on a short cycle, like 5 seconds.

Here's the sequence:

 1) Hold the tip in the air, so that the dog can't touch it - say "Touch".

2) Bring the tip down near the dog's nose and hold it still.

4) The dog bumps the tip.

5) Click & Treat.

6) Repeat.

 If the dog makes an error during these trials, say "wrong" or "sorry" or your choice of sounds to indicate the error and put the tip up, out of reach - this tells the dog "end of behavior", no treat. Make sure you don't say the "wrong" word with any inflection - it's supposed to be informative, not discouraging.

Now that you have the basic behavior happening, it's time to stretch your dog's  knowledge. Take a small object, like a baseball hat and place it on the floor. Begin the session with the stick behind your back, out of sight. Say "Touch" and then touch the object with the tip of the target  stick. As the dog touches the tip, and the hat, click and treat. Do this about 10 times, quickly. On repetition eleven, leave the stick behind your back and say "Touch." Wait for at least 30 seconds. If you have built enough momentum into the behavior, your dog will probably move toward the hat - click and treat for any movement in the right direction! Continue this process until the dog will consistently touch the object  when the target stick is not visible.

Once the dog will consistently "touch" the object, it is time to make the behavior a little tougher. After one of the repetitions, take a step backward. This places you  one step away from the target. On the next attempt, as the dog touches the hat, click and then put the treat on the ground, right between your feet. (If you don't want your dog to take food from the ground, offer the  treat from your hand, instead.) As the dog finishes the treat, say "Touch" (or "Hat", if you choose) and wait, quietly. After a few seconds, the dog will go and bump the hat or at least start in that direction. Click and treat for any movement toward the hat. On the next try, take another step backward as the dog is moving away from you and toward the hat. Over a series of repetitions, the target will be imperceptibly farther and farther away. Now pat yourself and your dog on the back. This is the fundamental behavior that we will use to teach a "go-out."

Over several training sessions, practice this  behavior until your dog can touch the hat across the room, or across the yard.

Targeting Continued - a practical application

One of the most important tasks of training is controlling your dog's movement from a distance.  Whether  your interest is competition obedience, agility, search and rescue, field trials, or finding a Frisbee in high grass, using your dog's new skill at targeting can make directed movements a snap.

If you have been keeping up with the assignments, your dog should be comfortable with this sequence -- moving away from you, bumping one of your arrow targets and returning. This basic pattern is the key to  making your dog's movements predictable and thereby controllable. To start this month's project, gather your clicker, treats, target arrows and of course, your dog. Select a relatively quiet outdoor where you can  work off lead safely.

First, place a target arrow in the ground and move about five feet away from it. Sit your dog facing the target  and stand slightly to the side. Point at the target and say "Touch" After all your practice last month, your dog should blast over to the target and touch the ball - click and treat.

NOTE: If you don't get this reaction on the first try, drop your standards and allow your dog to succeed at a shorter distance a few times. If you have been working on other things, go back and review last month's  exercises and gradually build up to a short go-out.

Once you have achieved your simple go-out, repeat the sequence about 10 times, quickly. To make it  a bit  more interesting, take a step or two to one side or the other as the dog is moving away from you. This will insure that he must actually look to see where you are on the return. Your goal, for now, is to create a  pattern that the dog can repeat almost without thinking about it.


At this stage of the behavior, a command would help to initiate each repetition. Since the behavior is  currently a pretty poor example of the end product, it's a good idea not to attach the cue you  eventually want to use in competition -- we will go into detail about this, next month, so for the moment, trust me on  this. For the moment, we are going to add a "working cue", that will allow you to trigger the current version of the behavior.

Attaching the working cue:

Attaching a cue to a regularly occurring behavior is really easy. All you have to do it change the pattern  a  little bit. This time, just after you click and treat for a successful repetition, say "go" , "out"± or  whatever  cue you prefer, just before you think the dog is ready to go out to the target. Here's what the new pattern looks like ---

1. Wait until a pause occurs between the click and treat of one repetition and the start of another.

2. During the pause, say the command word in a normal tone of voice - well before the next repetition  starts. (It is important to realize that you are attaching an initially meaningless word to a new behavior.  For  20-50 repetitions, the word is not "causing" the behavior to happen. It is the learning of the pattern that will allow the dog to connect the cue to the behavior. The more consistent you are with the  20-50 repetitions,  the faster the dog will learn the cue. )

3. The dog does the behavior.

4. Click and Treat

5. Repeat the sequence, starting at Step 1.

 For those of you who are just starting out with clicker training, this process of adding the cue AFTER establishing the behavior may feel a little odd. For the time being, try to ignore the uncomfortable  feeling and  simply work through the exercises. Concentrate on making the pattern so precise that the dog will learn it quickly.

"Big T, Little t"

Once your dog will consistently "go-out" to the target, it is time to add left and right to the process. The  easiest way to do this is to sit your dog in the same position you used for your "go-out" and change your  position. If you imagine the shape of a big "T", you can easily visualize the new setting. The dog will be at either end of the cross bar - the choice of which one to start with is up to you. The target is on the other  end to the cross bar, and you are at the base of the "T".

From the base of the "T", point generally in the direction of the target - but don't point directly at the  target.  Give your cue for "go-out". There may be a bit of confusion for a second, but if you have worked up to this gradually, the dog should blast over and touch the target. If she fails, drop your standards and get the  behavior happening on a shorter cycle - like every 5 seconds, or so. Then try the new scenario again.

Once you have consistent performance on one end of the "T", move your position so that the dog is seated  at the other end of the cross bar. It isn't necessary to move the target, just move the dog and  yourself. Run this exercise about 20 times, so that you are getting consistent performance from the dog. Now that we have  the movement to either side, it's time to start making it a little more complicated.

Now get a second target, and place one on each end of the cross bar. Sit the dog in the center of the  cross bar  and stand at the base of the "Big T". Use your arm signals and verbal cues to get the dog to go to either target. Remember to use "wrong" at the instant the dog heads in the wrong direction. When you are getting  consistent responses, add a third target, about 10 feet past the center position.  This will make our setup look like a "Little t", instead of a "Big T". Now you can send the dog away  from you with your cue for  "go-out". Practice this "round robin" until the dog's performance is smooth. You can add more arrows in order to increase the complexity and require more directed movements in between reinforcements.

Once you feel very confident that the dog knows the basic behaviors, you will need to know how to remove the targets. For some of you, this will be within a couple of training sessions, while others may choose to  wait for several weeks. My best advice is don't be in a hurry to pull off the training wheels until the kid really knows how to ride the bike.

Pulling the target:
Until you can remove the targets the dog really doesn't know how to do the final behavior. The easiest  way  to accomplish this is to get the dog to make a simple mistake. First, start a practice session using  your "Little t" setup. Make sure that the pace is pretty quick. After about ten successful movements,  give the  dog signals that places her at the far end of any of the arms of the "T." This is the moment of truth -- give  the signal that will take the dog in a direction where there is no target. If the dog balks, say "Wrong" and go back to practicing, with special care to build up the speed and the number of targets the dog can bump,  successfully.

Once the rate of performing is back up to speed, try the "setup" again. Move the dog to the far end of one  of the arms of the "t" and give the signal that would take her to an area where there is no target. If  the dog takes the tiniest step in the correct direction, click and treat - stop the session for a second and really  whoop it up. Go back to your training diagram and slip in some of the "go to the target that isn't  there"  situations. If you stick with "Wrong" for turn-backs and clicks and treats for continuing in line,  you can build a 10 yard go-out (with no targets) in a couple of sessions. Now remove all the targets and practice  your "Big T - Little t" training without the targets.

Over a series of sessions, these exercises will give your dog the skills necessary to move quickly at your direction. One of the easiest ways to start using these directional signals is to place jumps in line  with the targets - this will accustom the dog to taking obstacles after you give a direction signal. Once the dog is  flawless with the process, it will be time to add a performance cue to each of these movements.


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  • - Če ne tvegaš,ni vredno živeti! -
Odgovori #118 : 18 September 2008, 09:46:19

Dakota: Delaj najprej tarčo na hrbtno stran dlani, kar ji ne bo tako zanimivo, da bi te grizla. Ko se bo navadila dotikanja s smrčkom (kar, kot razumem, že zna), počasi preidi na stick. Moraš biti hitrejša od psičke in ji s hitrimi reakcijami preprečevati, da bi grizla. Takoj ko se približa, klik, stick stran, priboljšek v usta. Sčasoma se bo tega tempa navadila in bo grizenje opustila. Predvsem moraš torej ti biti hitra in psičko s hitrimi reakcijami usmerjati stran od grizenja. Če boš čakala, bo grizla, če boš eksplozivna, ne bo imela časa gristi ;). Amelie je bila tudi taka, pa se je v enem tednu odvadila. Da boš bolj sigurna, pa lahko z roke preideš na večjo tarčo, ki je ne more gristi, recimo na pokrovček od kozarca za vlaganje ali podstavek za kozarce. Smiselno je, da vzporedno s tarčo na smrček delaš tarčo na eno od tačk ...

hvala, sva urihrtali. vsake toliko jo prime,da bi ugriznila. pol pa ko ugrizne,in ni klika,se takoj sama popravi  ;D smo zamenjali priboljške,in gre super. prej smo meli neke mini kostke,pa po nekem času niso ble več zanimive,in sem jo mogla skoraj fizično zadržat,da ni šla od mene. zdaj uporabljam poli salamo,ki jo narežen na res mini koščke,in je res vse drugo. no,zdej imam drug problem : bi rada jo naučila povelje pusti (igračo),pa ko ji vržem,ne gre za njo ;D no,vsekakor boljše,kot da bi tekla od mene ;)


  • Gost
Odgovori #119 : 18 September 2008, 11:28:39
Siv, inštruktorica pri Canisu Mortena Egtvedta in Fannyjina sodelavka, je na zelo zanimiv način povezala učenje prinašanja in targeting  :o - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjlS_Oo1ESY.