Avstralski Ovčar [Australian Shepherd]

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Odgovori #840 : 07 Julij 2006, 07:42:57
Predlogi za imena na S so bili prestavljeni Klik.

Lp nina


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Odgovori #841 : 07 Julij 2006, 08:49:50
Uzivate? Jaz pa tudi. Lepi predlogi, cudovite ideje!
Padla je odlocitev, da bodo imeli imena po naslovih pesmi, skladb. Seveda, morajo imeti pomen, ki ga lahko povezes z osebnostjo ausijev.
Kar nekaj jih imamo ze na spisku, kaksne nove ideje se pa ne branim. Ampak napisite jih tja, kamor jih je prestavija Ninci, da ne bo tezav.
Ta malcki pa kar se nogomet igrajo... Sami nogometni fani in fanice, hihihi
Lep pozdravcek


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  • ..it's nice to come home to a warm cat.
Odgovori #842 : 07 Julij 2006, 12:33:06
Jaz pa pravim, da bodo 13. (taka lepa številka)  :)  :-*

Na morju sem spoznala Berry. Res je krasna psička, polna energije, polna misli  ;D Ko gledaš slike in primerjaš v živo, se sploh ne vidijo tiste njene iskrice v očeh, kako razmišlja, kako se odloča, kaj bo delala...  :-* Res me je očarala. Njena ignoranca do tujcev, zoprnih psov (lajajoči NO), njena živahnost in igrivost..ok, saj tako veste, samo bi lahko govorila o njej dooolgo dolgo  :D
Vas bolj zanimajo slike ?  :P
Evo enih par, ostale so v albumu - KLIK

Če hoče kdo originale, naj mi napiše na ZS...

Andreja, tebi pa še enkrat hvala za sprehod, pa da si mi omogočila končno spoznat pasmo v živo  :-*  :)

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him."  - Dereke Bruce

Val in Pasha


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Odgovori #843 : 07 Julij 2006, 16:10:46
Ke luštne slikice!!!  :o

Hvala tudi tebi, da si me ven spravla... Zadnje čase mam napade (konstantne) lenobitisa in se najraje zadržujem v klikmatiziranih prostorih ;)

Komaj čakam. da bo avgust in da zbežim v Podkoren.

Upam, da se še kaj vidimo!



Never argue with an idiot; first he will drag you down to his level, then he will beat you with experience :P


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Odgovori #844 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:23:40
No, pa se slikici nase vitke Blum ;D in njenega kotisca.
Trenutno ne kaze ravno kaksne velike hvaleznosti za nas trud  :-\
Trenutno se po njem valja Katja


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Odgovori #845 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:32:23
Ups, so me napadli vmes...  ;D ;D ;D, pa nisem mogla napisat do konca.
Tule so slikice:


  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #846 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:35:00
Zadnja je carska!
Kot bi hotela reči: "Potipaj, kako že znajo nogomet."  :D

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


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Odgovori #847 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:36:40
Zakaj se pa slike vidijo le, ce si prijavljen? Niti se ne vidi priponk?


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Odgovori #848 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:37:22
Uf, je pa res vitka! ;D Prav lušna je tako okrogla. :-* Sicer pa tudi mi držimo pesti in tačke, da bodo malčki zdravi in Blum pridna mamica!

Butterfly, lepe slikce! Berry je res lepa, Andreja ima doma pravi morski biser. :)



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  • ..it's nice to come home to a warm cat.
Odgovori #849 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:39:33
Oo lejo bajsiko  :-* Blumina, a ste vi kotišče sami nardili ?

Mašy, hvala..Berry si pa dobro zadela  ;D morski biser

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him."  - Dereke Bruce

Val in Pasha


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  • Wapi, Grin
Odgovori #850 : 07 Julij 2006, 21:43:27
Blum ima pravo kraljestvo :D

Danes sem malo gledala startno listo od European Open v Luksemburgu in je nekam dosti ausijev prijavljenih :o sirtaki bos porocala...

battito animale


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Odgovori #851 : 08 Julij 2006, 23:29:03
Berry je res pravi morski biser, morska lepotica  :-*
Iii Blum je prav lušna bodoča mamica  :D Malčki bodo sigurno lepi na 2  :-*



  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #852 : 09 Julij 2006, 06:24:26
Včeraj pa je bil na agility tekmi pravi aussie shod. :D










Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


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  • ..it's nice to come home to a warm cat.
Odgovori #853 : 10 Julij 2006, 15:13:21
Ojoj  :-\ Očitno se niso spravili le na labradorce (Labradoodle)...

Aussiedoodle - mešanec z avstralskim ovčarjem in pudlom

Aussiedor - mešanec z avstralskim ovčarjem in labradorcem

Ps. Azu, krasne slike  :)

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him."  - Dereke Bruce

Val in Pasha


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    • Prispevkov: 739
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  • ..it's nice to come home to a warm cat.
Odgovori #854 : 10 Julij 2006, 15:29:48
In še Miniature Aussiedoodle - mešanec z mini aussijem in mini pudlom

Mini aussiji se delijo na Tea cup (pod 5.5 kg), Toy (5.5 - 8 kg) in Miniature (9-18 kg) !  :(
5 kilogramski odrasel aussie ?! Ljudje niso več pri pameti... >:(

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him."  - Dereke Bruce

Val in Pasha


  • Duck Tolling
  • Pravi Pesjanar
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    • Točke: 55
  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #855 : 10 Julij 2006, 16:10:57
To vse se dogaja s pasmami, ki so med bolj popularnimi v ameriki. Na žalost. :-\
Uporabnost tudi nima velikega pomena pri teh mešancih.

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


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Odgovori #856 : 10 Julij 2006, 16:25:39
Azu, dobro da te imamo, da nas filaš s slikami  :D Škoda, da sem zamudila ti dve tekmi, zgleda kot, da je bilo aussie srečanje  ;D

Držimo pesti za Blum  :-*

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


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Odgovori #857 : 10 Julij 2006, 16:32:57
Ojoj  :-\ Očitno se niso spravili le na labradorce (Labradoodle)...

Aussiedoodle - mešanec z avstralskim ovčarjem in pudlom

Aussiedor - mešanec z avstralskim ovčarjem in labradorcem

Ps. Azu, krasne slike  :)

Groza!  :o  >:(

Azu, slike so  :-*

Zoe, držimo pesti za Blum, pa zate tudi  ;) Da čimprej dobiš aussija  ;)



  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #858 : 10 Julij 2006, 16:39:52
Ko bo Zoto zopet delal vam pokažem še nedeljske slike in slike Hektorja.  ;)
Pesti in šapice pa so trdo stisnjene za Blum.  :-*

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


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    • Prispevkov: 739
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  • ..it's nice to come home to a warm cat.
Odgovori #859 : 10 Julij 2006, 17:30:29
To vse se dogaja s pasmami, ki so med bolj popularnimi v ameriki. Na žalost. :-\
Uporabnost tudi nima velikega pomena pri teh mešancih.

Ma ja, saj vem, samo še vseeno je grozno :(

Blum pa vso srečo z malčki  :-*  Blumina, a se že kaj dogaja ??

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him."  - Dereke Bruce

Val in Pasha


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Odgovori #860 : 10 Julij 2006, 17:36:06
Pomoje jih 11 :) 6 punčk, 5 fantkov. 5 punčk bo blue merle, 1 bo black tricolor, 3 fantki blue merle, 2 black tri.  To so moje napovedi  :P  Aja pa vsi bodo odlični agilitaši in reševalci, ena psička blue merle bo čista Blum, bo odlična reševalka in bo delala družbo... Zoe?  :P No ja ne vem, ugibam  :P Mogoče bo pa res?



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Odgovori #861 : 10 Julij 2006, 18:27:00
Kdaj pa se avstralci selijo v FCI 1?

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #862 : 10 Julij 2006, 18:58:40
V I. FCI skupini naj bi bili že 4. junija.  ???

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.


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Odgovori #863 : 11 Julij 2006, 15:55:17
Hm... a se potem prestavimov FCI 1, mislim, je to že uradno zdaj?

Kako pa je s tistim izletom v ZDA? Bo potem kaj iz tega?


"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


  • Picko in Packo
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  • Wapi, Grin
Odgovori #864 : 11 Julij 2006, 16:43:25
Niso se v FCI 1. Ce sem prav razumela, bo sele naslednje leto uradni sestanek FCIja okoli tega.

blumina kako kaze? :o

battito animale


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Odgovori #865 : 11 Julij 2006, 16:48:25
Se cisto nic.
Nasa prisrcna debelinka samo "koluta ocima" in pozeljivo caka, da bi kaj padlo z nase mize dol.  :D
Seveda bom sporocila...


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Odgovori #866 : 11 Julij 2006, 17:26:45
ne pozabi fotke delat..

I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I wasted with the wrong people.


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Odgovori #867 : 11 Julij 2006, 21:57:32
Še nekaj "malega" o MDR genski mutaciji:

I am passing this on as an example of that the MRD1 gene mutation can apparently do.  It's quite common in Collies and  been found in Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties). Australian Shepherds, mini Aussies, Old English Sheepdogs, German Shepherds, Long-haired Whippets, Silken Windhounds, and a variety of mixed breed dogs.
Please pass this on to anyone you know with these breeds, interersted in getting one and your vets.

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 23:23:02 +0000
Subject: [MASCAMembers2] Buster's Tragedy - PLEASE Read!

Dear fellow dog lovers,

I'm writing to tell you about a terrible tragedy we just had with one of our
Mini Aussie Rescue & Support (MARS) foster dogs. Buster was a 3 year old
beautiful red merle Miniature Australian Shepherd. He came into rescue from a
shelter in the midwest. We had him neutered and moved into a foster home to be
cared for while he healed. Buster was one of the sweetest dogs we ever met. He
had such a great temperament that we had approved his adoption into a home with
a one-year old child, which is something we are extremely cautious about ever

Buster arrived at his foster home with a wet, very productive cough. It was
definitely not kennel cough and the vet felt it needed to be treated
aggressively, partly fearing it was canine flu. He prescribed two antibiotics
and a cough suppressant. Buster received these drugs for several days during
which time his cough improved. On the fifth day, startled by knocking at the
door Buster's eyes completely dilated and he flew into a rage that lasted for 20 minutes after the person had left.

Confused, his foster mom contacted us. Going over Buster's medicines, we were
horrified to discover that the cough suppressant he was given, Torbutol, is
primarily used as a pain suppressant and is on the list (under its generic name
Butorphonal) of problem drugs that should not be given to dogs who may carry a
mutated mdr1 gene.

For those of you not familiar with this mutation, dogs carrying the mutated gene
cannot pump certain drugs out of their brains in the normal way. This can cause
a dangerous build up of the drug in the brain resulting in neural toxicity,
essentially poisoning the dog's brain.

Buster was immediately pulled off the medications, but continued to get much
worse day after day. When we reviewed his medical records, we discovered that he
had received another drug on the list during his neutering. So Buster was given
two of the problem drugs by different vets within a very short period of time.
We immediately tested him for the mdr1 genetic defect. Buster's test results came back as "normal/mutant" meaning he carried one copy of the mutated gene.

The official diagnosis was "Undifferentiated Rage" meaning that Buster, due to
neurological problems, was viciously attacking anyone and anything whenever his
fears were triggered. And his fears were multiplying daily, with his rage
seizures (as the vet called them) lasting longer and longer. Eventually his
pupils remained fully dilated all the time.

In his final days, Buster's foster mom took him for a walk in a sunny field,
hoping to bring him a little bit of joy. A bird flying overhead triggered such a
violent rage that Kathie ended up hiding behind a tree in fear for the forty
minutes it took Buster to recover. Even when Buster was kept gated into a spare
room in an attempt to protect him from all fear triggers, any little noise or
movement brought on rage seizures many times each day.

The MARS Board of Directors held a two-hour long emergency meeting to discuss
Buster. We heard testimony from his caretakers as well as examined the input from all of the medical experts we had consulted. Although there has been some research done on dogs recovering from ivermectin toxicity, we were told there is no research that has been done on treatment from and recovery from the other toxic drugs on the
list or from combinations of the problem drugs. No one could offer us any hope for Buster's recovery.

We also had to consider the fact that Buster was clearly a danger to any human
or animal in his vicinity. But for me the most compelling fact was that Buster's
life had become one giant nightmare for him. There was no way we could protect
him from everything he was afraid of since he was afraid of everything.

After much heart-wrenching discussion and many, many tears, the Board of
Directors of MARS voted to euthanize Buster. He died peacefully in his foster
mom's arms last week.

If you're a praying person, please say a little prayer for Buster and for the
many people who worked to rescue him and are devastated by his loss. The only possible good that can come out of this tragedy is if Buster's death can educate people about the mdr1 genetic mutation and help save the lives of other dogs. Please read Kathie's post below and visit the web link she gives to learn more about the mutation and how to test your dog for it. Kathie attached pictures of Buster (the only pics we could get as the sight of the camera triggered a seizure) for those lists that accept attachments.

With sorrow,

Paddy Marcotte
President, Mini Aussie Rescue & Support (MARS)
MARS email: [email protected]
MARS website: www.miniaussierescue.org


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Odgovori #868 : 11 Julij 2006, 22:09:41
Mi smo bili pa danes na obisku pri Blum in njenih  :D Blum se drži super! Sem mislila, da je bolj debela, pa šiba naokoli kot, da ne bi bila tik pred kotitvijo ;D

Blum, držimo pesti  :-*

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


  • Duck Tolling
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  • The Red Dogs
Odgovori #869 : 12 Julij 2006, 08:56:49
Zoto zopet dela!  :D


Tax & Urch

Tax, Urch & Hektor

Ruby & frisbi

Laetus Canis - Varstvo psov v Ljubljani

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.