PeSjanar.Si Forum

Mačkoni => Pasme mačk => Temo začel/a: Neyka na 02 November 2005, 19:28:16

Naslov: Mačkarne
Prispeval: Neyka na 02 November 2005, 19:28:16
Kaj pa mačje psarne

(ne bom odpirala nove teme dokler ne zvem ali se temu res tako reče Ninci ko bo zadeva gotova kako se imenuje lepo prosim če začneš novo temo s temle postom)

Kakšen je postopek registracije, potrebna plačila, mačkoni,...
Naslov: Re: Mačkarne
Prispeval: Nota na 02 November 2005, 19:45:17
Misliš vzrejališče ali mačkarna?

Nobena umetnost. Zelo enostavno.
Pri FIFe je to takole:
- oseba, ki želi odpreti svojo lastno mačkarno/vzrejališče mora biti polnoletna ali pa mora zahevek sopodpisati eden od staršev (ki je potem tudi pravno in materialno odgovoren za delovanje te mačkarne)
- vlogo, v kateri navedeš tri izbrana imena - na prvo mesto daš ime, ki ga najbolj želiš, drugo in tretje ime sta rezervi - nasloviš na ZFDS, v vlogi navedeš tudi točne podatke o lastniku mačkarne
- vlogi priložiš kopijo vplačila za mačkarno (50 EUR v SIT protivrednosti)
in potem čakaš da ZFDS vlogo prepošlje na FIFe register, tam preverijo, če je izbrano ime že uporabljeno, če ni - ga potrdijo - in o novem registriranem imenu obvestijo ZFDS, le-ta pa srečnega lastnika.

Pri FIFe mačkarnah je vplačilo enkratno in  lastništvo mačkarne doživljensko - to pomeni, da ti pripada in ti ga nihče ne more prevzeti, vzeti, uporabljati, dokler si živa.
To torej tudi pomeni, da ga ne moreš po mili volji spreminjati - če si ga registrirala npr. 'od Planince', ga ne moreš spremeniti v 'od sončne Planince'.

Torej je potrebno res dobro premisliti, kakšno bo to ime.

Za to, da registriraš mačkarno ni potrebno da imaš doma mačko, niti ni potrebno da že imaš mladiče - v bistvu bi lahko npr. sedaj postala član, registrirala mačkarno, ta pa bi čakala na čase, ko bi jo aktivirala - torej imela prvo leglo. 

Takole pravi FIFe
Cattery Names Rules
date of issue: 01.01.2005


1. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) will keep an international book of catterynames (BCN) registered by the members of FIFe and approved by the FIFe.

2. The use of a cattery name not registered in the FIFe BCN is not allowed for any individual member.

3. A cattery name is the private and personal property of a breeder and cannot, after registration, be changed, passed on or transferred, except under circumstances listed in article 4. A breeder is allowed only one cattery name.

4. If a cattery name has been registered in the name of a partnership neither of the partners can acquire a second cattery name.
In case of separation of partners the FIFe secretary shall be informed as to which of the partners is to retain the cattery name.
After the death of the owner of a cattery name, it cannot be used for the next 20 years, unless it is transferred to a lawful heir who is a member of the same Federation/Club.

If a FIFe member is obliged to expel an individual member, the name of the latter and that of his cattery shall be reported to the FIFe secretary.
That a cattery name once issued can be changed only for a very good reason.

5. A cattery name, registered by the FIFe after 01.01.85 shall contain the international code of the country in which its owner resides when registering the cattery name; i.e. D for Germany, E for Spain, S for Sweden etc.

6. No cat can carry a cattery name other than that of its breeder. The breeder is the owner of the female cat at the time of mating.
However, the breeder may give the buyer of a pregnant cat permission to register the offspring under the cattery name of the new owner.

7. A cattery name shall not consist of more than 15 letters or signs, i.e. country code excluded.

8. The application for registering a cattery name shall be sent by the FIFe member to the FIFe secretary. Three alternative names should be submitted.
A cattery name may only be registered if no other identical or similar cattery name, which might give rise to confusion, is listed in the BCN.
A fee decided by the FIFe General Assembly will be charged for registration of a cattery name.
