Tibetanski španjel [Tibetan Spaniel]

Tosy · 241351


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  • Papillon & Tibetan spaniel owner
Odgovori #630 : 03 April 2013, 00:07:14
Uf, tale tema je pa kar zamrla.
Razstavljalci TŠ-jev, imam par  vprašanj... kakšne barve so najbolj zaželjene na razstavah? Opažam, da je največ rjavih z črnim gobčkom. Kaj pa črna v prevladi, rjavi ožigi in bele tačke, je to zaželjeno?
In če bi mi kdo prosim povedal, kako TŠ-ja postavit v razstavno pozo(kolikor vem ima vsaka pasma svojo pozo)
Pa če je kdo iz okolice NM za druženje s 3 mesečnim španjelčkom :) :)
Lp, :P


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Odgovori #631 : 03 April 2013, 01:44:47
Hm, a lahko vprašam, koliko psov imaš zdaj? A ni to že četrti tvoj pes, ki ga omenjaš v zadnjem mesecu? Pa vmes si morala skoraj na cesto zaradi drugega?

Drugače pa, pri TŠ ni barve, ki je najbolj zaželena na razstavah, saj so dovoljene vse barve in barvne kombinacije. Soboljeva ali po tvoje rjava s črnim gobčkom je zgolj najbolj razširjena. Pomembna je kvaliteta psa. Preberi si pasemski standard.

FCI-Standard N° 231 / 11. 05. 1998 / GB


©M.Davidson, illustr. NKU Picture Library

This illustration does not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed.

ORIGIN : Tibet.

PATRONAGE : Great Britain.


UTILIZATION :   Companion Dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :   Group   9   Companion and Toy Dogs.
   Section   5   Tibetan breeds.
   Without working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Small, active and alert.  Well balanced in general outline, slightly longer in body than height at withers.

BEHAVIOUR  / TEMPERAMENT : Gay and assertive, highly intelligent, aloof with strangers.  Alert, loyal but independant.

HEAD : Small in proportion to body, carried proudly.  Masculine in dogs but free from coarseness.

Skull : Slightly domed, moderate width and length.
Stop : Slight but defined.

Nose : Black preferred.
Muzzle : Medium in length.  Blunt with cushioning, free from wrinkle.  Chin showing some depth and width.
Jaws/Teeth : Slightly undershot.  Teeth evenly placed and the lower jaw wide between the canine teeth.  Full dentition desirable.  Teeth and tongue not showing when mouth closed.
Eyes : Dark brown, oval, bright and expressive, medium size, set fairly well apart but forward looking.  Rims black.
Ears : Medium size, pendant, well feathered in adults, set fairly high.  Slight lift from the skull desirable but must not fly.  Large, heavy, low set ears un-typical.

NECK : Moderately short, strong and well set on.  Covered with a mane or « shawl » of longer hair, more pronounced in dogs than bitches.

BODY : Slightly longer from withers to root of tail than the height at withers.
Back : Level.
Ribs : Good spring of rib.

TAIL : Set high, richly plumed and carried in a gay curl or over back when moving. (Not to be penalised for drooping tail when standing).


FOREQUARTERS : Moderate bone; forelegs slightly bowed but firm at shoulder.
Shoulders : Well laid.

HINDQUARTERS : Well made and strong.
Stifle : Moderate turn.
Hocks : Well let down, straight when viewed from behind.

FEET : Harefoot.  Small and neat with feathering between toes often extending beyond the feet.  Round cat-feet undesirable.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Quick-moving, straight, free, positive.


HAIR : Topcoat silky in texture, smooth on face and front of legs, of moderate length on body, but lying rather flat.  Undercoat fine and dense.  Ears and back of forelegs nicely feathered, tail and buttocks well furnished with longer hair.  Not overcoated, bitches tend to carry less coat and mane than dogs.

COLOUR : All colours and mixture of colours permissible.

SIZE AND WEIGHT  : Height about 25.4 cm (10 ins).
Weight : Ideal 4.1 to 6.8 kgs (9-15 lbs).

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.



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    • Prispevkov: 284
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  • Papillon & Tibetan spaniel owner
Odgovori #632 : 03 April 2013, 03:28:03
Trenutno samo enega, papillona ni več...
in hvala za odgovor:)


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Odgovori #633 : 26 April 2013, 12:02:22
ma meni se zdi da ti menjaš pse ko gate
a te ni nič sram?
Kaj jih maš za par razstav, potem pa ko ne rata pa neuspešnega stran, pa novega?
Ne razumem te, odloči se že katerega psa hočeš met, in zanjga skrbi tako kot je treba, ne pa da jih menjaš kot po tekočem traku, kako bi bilo teb da bi te premeščal iz družine v družino? Men to ne bo nikoli jasno,da se nekateri tako okoriščajo s psi in jih menjajo na vsake par tednov...Sramota

If a problem can be solved, don't worry about it.
If a problem can't be solved, what is the use or worrying?


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    • Prispevkov: 303
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Odgovori #634 : 26 April 2013, 12:13:12
pa v tvojih postih si govorila o 3 ali 4 različnih psih, torej papillon, mešanec z borderjem, psička z rodovnikom od nekega starega gospoda ki si jo želela nase prepisat in TŠ.
Kam si pa druga dva psa dala?
Žalostno....Poleg tega pa jamraš v postih za stanovanje da imaš mesečno dohodek približno 450 eur, kako si lahko potem privoščiš 4 pse, 2 mački(z naraščajem... ::) ) in činčilo???
I don't get it.

If a problem can be solved, don't worry about it.
If a problem can't be solved, what is the use or worrying?


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    • Prispevkov: 1
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Odgovori #635 : 29 December 2013, 19:09:35
Sem Nina in tudi jaz imam tibetančka, za pasmo sem se odločila predvsem zaradi njihovega značaja. Moj Tai je star 4 mesece in je tricolour črn rjav in bel. Je zelo igriv kuža. Imam pa eno težavo. Ko je navdušen, takrat ko pridem domov ali se igrava  začne gristi sicer ne napadalno ampak grize, to je postalo zelo moteče. Poiskušala sem že veliko metod ampak nič še ni uspelo. Ali mi lahko svetujete kako bi odpravila to razvado?

Hvala za odgovor!