Svetovno prvenstvo v dogfrisbee-ju

Jean · 66067

Leangi Pima

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Odgovori #120 : 13 Oktober 2008, 21:15:25
Držimo pesti tudi na našem koncu! Srečno  :)


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #121 : 13 Oktober 2008, 21:15:37
Sej vam berem misli in sm ji že prej napisala, da ju vsi pozdravljamo in da držimo pesti ;D :D :P


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  • Love dogs
Odgovori #122 : 13 Oktober 2008, 21:36:03
Pri nas tudi vsi držimo pesti in tačke!  :-*

Kako majčken in kako običajen kuža. Brez rodovnika, tudi na pogled ni ne vem kaj. Je pa bitje, polno življenja in ljubezni. (Pamela Dugdale)


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Odgovori #123 : 14 Oktober 2008, 08:57:17
Srečno in veliko užitkov!! Seveda pa komaj čakamo kakšna poročila  "od tam čez lužo"  ;D


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #124 : 14 Oktober 2008, 09:07:33
Evo Jean sporoča, da imata super hotel, blizu letališča, ampak okoli je narava (gozd in travniki) tako da sta pred zajtrkom naredili lep sprehod 8) Vse je ok in gresta kmalu na letališče :)


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    • Prispevkov: 3.427
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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #125 : 15 Oktober 2008, 00:04:05
Jean se je ravnokar javila. Uspesno sta prispeli na cilj in vse je ok. Le Lyri so zaplenili hrano na letaliscu  >:(
Tudi mobitel ji deluje, tako da se bo lahko javlala :D



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  • Brigitka in Nelči-Belči
Odgovori #126 : 15 Oktober 2008, 00:06:59
SUPER!! Odlično!  :o

Bo Lyra že dobila novo hrano - važno da sta celi in zdravi prispeli na cilj!  :D


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    • Prispevkov: 2.324
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Odgovori #127 : 15 Oktober 2008, 01:49:21
Hey all,

Greetings from Cartersville!  :)

Sorry for the English, se mi mudi in bo hitrejse. Ce ne razumes bo cacy prevedla.  ;)

The trip was fine, people at Adria and Lufthansa were really friendly and helpful with Lyra. It took a while to get through customs in Atlanta, and as cacy wrote they confiscated Lyra's food (left me enough for her dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow), otherwise all the documents were in order, no crowds at the airport, not much waiting...Melissa Heeter was waiting for me in arrivals, the Japanese got into Atlanta a little before me (9 of them!), and we all traveled together to Cartersville. We're about to go out to dinner so I have to make this quick. More tomorrow. Lyra was very happy to get out of her crate but she's in good shape, handled the trip fine. BORA (Alenka), the wheels on the box REALLY helped make things easier--many thanks to you and especially your father for putting them on.

Beautiful weather here, clear skies, temperature about 26 degrees C during the day--perfect for playing frisbee!

Many many thanks for all your thoughts, support and good wishes. Gotta rush now, more next time.

best to everyone,
Jean and Lyra


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Odgovori #128 : 15 Oktober 2008, 08:08:05
lepo da gre vse po planu :) važno da sta vredu in da Lyra ne bo lačna :)
Z Lufthanso imam tudi jaz dobre izkušnje kar se tiče prevoza psov. res jih obravnavajo kot pse in ne kot navadno prtljago kot pri marsikateri drugi letalski družbi.

Vso srečo na tekmovanju, lepo se imejta in čimbolj uživajta, pa dober nastop vama želim :)

"I did then what I knew then, when I knew better, I did better."
Maya Angelou


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  • I like my dog better than I like most people.
Odgovori #129 : 15 Oktober 2008, 10:57:11
Lepo je bilo tole prebrati Jean. Mislim, da sploh ni treba prevajati, saj nas večina zelo dobro govori angleško.

Super, da je z Lyro vse ok. No želim vama le eno - break a leg (torej vso srečo!)

Psi so najbolj iskreni prijatelji :):):)


  • Mali Pesjanar
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Odgovori #130 : 15 Oktober 2008, 12:27:56
A se kaj ve, kdaj bosta nastopili?

Kristinca & Florinca


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Odgovori #131 : 15 Oktober 2008, 13:03:46
Jean, tudi mi držimo pesti za vaju  ;D. Vidve se predvsem zabavajta, ostalo bo prišlo samo od sebe. Rock on!  8)


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #132 : 15 Oktober 2008, 13:58:46
Jean in Lyra bosta nastopali že v petek na kvalifikacijah za super pro toss&fetch, ker kvalificirali sta se le za freestyle v Pragi... Tako da imata možnost, da nastopita za vikend v 2 disciplinah ;D


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Odgovori #133 : 15 Oktober 2008, 15:54:53
Jean veseli nas da je vse šlo po sreči in sta srečno prispeli na cilj. :o Sedaj pa le uživajta in se zabavajta 8). Zakaj so ti pa Lyrino hrano zaplenili, kaj si prevažala v nji   ??? Fotoaparat, ha, ha,...  :D
Ni se ti posebej potrebno zahvaljevat za Borin boks in kolesa (oče pravi hvala, da je on to opravil z veseljem, saj se tudi ti trudiš z njegovo vnukinjo) kar je tudi res. Tudi ti si vedno radodarna do vseh nas  in vsem pomagaš po svojih močeh.

Držimo pesti, da se danes uvrstita še v super pro toss&fetch. ;)
Srečno Jean & Lyra

Počohaj Lyro v našem imenu -mi jo bomo ko se vrneta.  :-*

3 x A + B


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Odgovori #134 : 15 Oktober 2008, 15:58:02
Super da gre vse po planih! (hrano pustmo..morebiti se v Ameriki dobi še kej bolj fajn  :P).
Kar tako naprej!!

...Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side...


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    • Prispevkov: 2.324
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Odgovori #135 : 16 Oktober 2008, 17:53:06
Me again. Another beautiful day in Georgia. Sunny skies, light wind, currently 67 degrees F (??? C). Yesterday Darek and Ulfi and me and Lyra went for a hike in nearby Red Top Mountain State Park:

We did the yellow trail you can see on the map here:

About 5 km in length, wooded, much of it close to the lake shoreline, so the dogs got to go swimming. Theoretically dogs are supposed to be leashed in the park but ours ran free and we never saw another soul the whole time, except for people in power boats on the lake. Lyra chased some chipmunks. She hasn't forgotten how, even though she hadn't seen any for the last 4 years since we moved to Slovenia. It was a nice way for her to relax, have fun, and regain some condition after the trip. I won't feel too terrible if we finish last in the competition; Darek and Ulfi were over here for the World Finals in 2005 and occupied that unenviable position. After all, somebody has to be last. Now they are a great team, came third right after Marcus and Sabine at the EC, they're looking good at training and I think they have a good chance of making the final and finishing fairly high up. Ulfi is quite a character; here's a picture of him and Darek at the EC, one of my favorites:

This morning Lyra and I did some training at a big field where we're staying (with Melissa Heeter, the organizer--we move to a hotel closer to the event tonight and will stay there until departure on Monday). She hasn't fully recovered from the journey and tires quickly, so I only worked here for a few brief sessions, with rests and water in between, practicing our freestyle sets. She's resting on my bed now; I'll go out again later in the day to work on a few more things with her, especially minidistance (toss&fetch). The T&F qualifier is tomorrow afternoon; she'll need to be able to chase discs in the afternoon sun. Hope it won't be too hot, we're not used to it.

The Japanese team came to train just as we were finishing so I watched them for an hour or so (then did another minute or two with Lyra, which they applauded, though I'm not sure we deserved it). They are such nice people and really great players. The majority of their dogs are border collies (long and smooth coat) but there's also a Jack Russell, a Malinois, and a yellow labrador. The woman with the JRT has three border collies at home; one of them looks a lot like Lyra (she showed me a picture). I saw a new throw (well, there were probably lots of them, but I asked about one of them) and Shawn, Yachi's son, showed me how he does it. I can't do it myself but I'm certain that if I show it to culto or mayca they will have it perfected in a matter of minutes.  ;) So I'll try to remember the grip and release. He didn't know the name of it. The Japanese do great transitional and rhythmic team moves, they're always turning and twisting and rotating and moving with their dogs. They NEVER stand still in one place. They move so quickly I can't figure out exactly what they're doing, we'll have to analyze the videos.

Dobro, to je vse za zdaj od vase ameriske dopisnice.  :) Vec kasneje. LP


  • ° Žleht kot pes °
  • Super Pesjanar
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  • *love dogs*
Odgovori #136 : 16 Oktober 2008, 18:02:16
Kako lepa slika:  :-*

Super te ja brati!  :o :o :o

Želimo vama samo srečno in uživajta!  :o

LP, Maja



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Odgovori #137 : 16 Oktober 2008, 18:10:40
Super report... :o. Ob kolkih po našem času so jutri kvalifikacije? Pravzaprav, koliko je sedaj ura pri vas v Ameriki?

Uživajta še naprej.

Bolj črno kot belo, ampak lepo ...


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Odgovori #138 : 16 Oktober 2008, 18:15:21
ata, 6 ur je razlika. Torej tukaj je ura 12.15.

Jutri zacne ob 14.00, traja do??? So luci tam ampak mislim da bo konec pred temo.

Zdaj hitim spakirati, en japonec me pride iskat in me pelje v hotel.

lp vsem


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Odgovori #139 : 16 Oktober 2008, 18:19:22
Torej bomo jutri od 20.00 dalje prvič držali pesti

Bolj črno kot belo, ampak lepo ...


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  • Venka
Odgovori #140 : 16 Oktober 2008, 18:23:35
Jean, za jutri držimo pesti!


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Odgovori #141 : 16 Oktober 2008, 19:20:14
Kako lepa slika:  :-*

Ja, res je :), ampač če bi ju videla v živo :o :o :o. Zame sta bila  na evropskem sigurno najboljša. Drug nastop v freestylu je bir res fantastičen. Ne spomnim se več točno, kaj je bilo, da sta na koncu osvojila tretje mesto ::). Tudi po moje imata velike možnosti, polek Jean & Lyre seveda  ;)

Jean; Vidim da uživaš, super... ;). Me vzameš naslednjič s sabo ?
Jutri pa veliko sreče, mi bomo močno stiskali pesti  ;). Aja, praviš da je veliko russellčkov, joj, vsake informacije bi bil zelo vesel...verjetno bodo objavli tudi kak filmček :-\.  Držita se ;)


  • Picko in Packo
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  • Wapi, Grin
Odgovori #142 : 16 Oktober 2008, 19:35:29
Uau kaksno super porocilo! Uzivajta in srecno! :)

battito animale


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Odgovori #143 : 16 Oktober 2008, 21:41:05
Malo updejta. Zda sva v hotelu, joj, kar luksusno je. Organizaterji so nam zrihtali VELIK popust, in je precej blizje parka, kjer bo tekma, kot tam ker sva prej stanovali (pri organizaterki in bivsji svetovni prvakinji Melissi), zato sva se preselili. Najina soba ima hladilnik, mikrovalovno pecico, in pogled na morje. OK, ni morje, je bazen. In je zal zaprt, ceprav za moj pojm je dovolj toplo za kopanje. Balkona nimava, ampak ne moree imeti vsega.  :P Skratka, res lepo skrbijo za nas.  8)

The Japanese are also staying here, I think we'll do some throwing practice together in a bit. It's a bit windier here, but we who come from the land of the burja should have no trouble, right? I played with Lyra soon after getting settled, a bit of freestyle, rest, then a round of minidistance. She gets tired VERY quickly, and she's not used to the warmer temperatures. The Japanese dogs worked well this morning, we all came in on the same day but their dogs adjusted more quickly, even though they had a longer journey, since they're used to traveling. Apparently the Japanese travel a lot to competitions around the country/world. Their dogs are also ultra fit. Lyra is fit, but not what I would call ultra fit. There's supposedly a Dutch guy coming in today,with an aussie, I can't imagine arriving so close to the beginning of the competition, Lyra's still only working at about 40% usual capacity (hope it will be up to at least 70% tomorrow, and 100% or more by Saturday).

Japan is apparently not a very dog-friendly country. I talk most with a Japanese woman named Mio, since her English is quite good. She says it's very hard to keep dogs in Japan--there are lots of places they're not allowed to go, and where they are they have be leashed. Private gardens are tiny, public parks are off limits to dogs.Their dogs hardly ever get an opportunity to run free. The dog-crazy people like the ones who came here to do dog frisbee are definitely a minority in Japan. I feel quite lucky to live in Slovenia with dogs. When I think of our long walks in the Karst and hikes in the mountains, hours and hours and miles and miles of off leash running and playing...I can't imagine living in a place where you didn't have that freedom.

OK, stop wasting your time on the internet and go take your dogs for a nice long walk! Off leash! All of you!  ;D

As for me, I'm going to go check on Lyra (relaxing in our nice hotel room) and see if the Japanese are outside throwing.

till next time,


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  • ..: Cosmo :..
Odgovori #144 : 16 Oktober 2008, 21:48:33
Jean res lepo od tebe, da nas tako sproti o vsem obvescas  :-*

Drugace pa drzimo pesti zate jutri in v soboto, pa uzivajta maximalno!!  ;D

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed

Hoiker's Cosmic Adventure
Moj album


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Odgovori #145 : 16 Oktober 2008, 22:10:54
Jean, super te je brati!

Držimo pesti za vaju z Lyro 8)

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


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Odgovori #146 : 16 Oktober 2008, 22:27:53
Jean res lepo od tebe, da nas tako sproti o vsem obvescas  :-*

Ja, no, moram zasluzit svojo placo nekako...lazje kot novinarka (sploh, ce lahko po anglesko porocam) kot z nekim dobrim rezultatom iz tekmovanj  :D

V veselje mi je, da lahko sproti kaj povem in da vas zanima...zdaj grem metat polure z japonci, potem pa!  :P Malo mi je sram to priznati  :-[, saj me niste poslali v Ameriko zaradi nakupovanja...ampak Monika me je prosila, naj ji prinesem dolocene stvari, ki jih ne dobi v Evropi. Od jutri naprej ne bo vec casa.


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  • ash
Odgovori #147 : 16 Oktober 2008, 22:33:15
Jzdaj grem metat polure z japonci, potem pa!  :P Malo mi je sram to priznati  :-[,

Kar privošči si  :D


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  • Brigitka in Nelči-Belči
Odgovori #148 : 16 Oktober 2008, 23:53:16
Jean, prav lepo pozdravljena!! Res sem z veseljem prebrala vse tvoje poste :D :D :D
Jaz sem nad Japonci prav navdušena, ko gledam njihov freestyle na Youtube...upam, da jih bom lahko kdaj v živo videla  ::)

Vglavnem, uživaj še naprej, nauči se še kakšen nov met, ki nam jih boš potem kasneje pokazala  ;D mi držimo pesti od jutri naprej za Lyro in tebe!!!  :-* :-* :-*


  • Mali Pesjanar
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Odgovori #149 : 17 Oktober 2008, 08:24:27
Jean, hvala za sprotna poročila, zelo zanimivo branje. Upam, da bo tudi kaj fotk. Držimo pesti, ti pa uživaj!!

Pri nas imamo danes (vsaj v LJ) hudo deževje in naši pesjani uživajo v dremanju in lenarjenju.  ;) 

Kristinca & Florinca