Svetovno prvenstvo v dogfrisbee-ju

Jean · 66886


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Odgovori #180 : 19 Oktober 2008, 09:57:30
Vau! Res dober dosežek!
Ponosni smo na vaju!

"I did then what I knew then, when I knew better, I did better."
Maya Angelou


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #181 : 19 Oktober 2008, 09:59:11
Ooooo Čestitkeeee :o :o :o

Škoda ker je malo manjkalo, ampak vseeno res SUPER rezultat :o :-* :-*
Tudi jaz sem zelooo ponosna na obe :-* :-*

Sicer pa je po eni strani je boljše tako, lahko danes vso moč in znane usmerita v toss&fetch :o :o
SREČNOOOO :o :o :o


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    • Prispevkov: 2.324
    • Točke: 6
Odgovori #182 : 19 Oktober 2008, 15:50:29
I'm quite happy with the way things have gone so far. My only disappointment is that Lyra's scores were so low; I think she deserved better (and other judges in the past gave her much better). But still we finished ahead of some very good teams--Darek and Ulfi, Wiel and Shadow, Ron Watson and Leilani (had a bad minidistance), and some others. Haven't seen the full results listed yet, this is just from memory. We finished lower than some other teams that on a different day we might have beaten. That's the name of the game. It's just numbers. We missed the cutoff for the top 15 by just a couple of points, I think. Lyra caught five and missed one in the MD; the one she missed was a good throw and would have been a 4.5 if she'd caught it (she did her thing of jumping too soon in the air) and replaced the 2-point throw that counted. If it had, and/or if her canine scores had been higher by a point in each freestyle (multiply by 2 x 1.5), we would have made the cut. And the cut itself is somewhat arbitrary...someone decided that the top 15 go on, as opposed to the top 20 (or top 10) I said, it's just numbers.

That said, there is a huge gap in say the top five and the rest of us. Not much difference between, say #13 and #18, but the best of the best are really in a class of their own. On another occasion, I might easily have hit even the top 10 with Lyra but to get to the top 5, let alone the top 3, you really need to be extraordinary. Darek has been filming some of the performances, I'm sure he'll record the best today and I hope he'll put it somewhere we can all see it.

I would say that any of the other Slovenes who have competed regularly this year in freestyle--Maja, Tomaz, Amadea--would be quite comfortable in this company. Really, the overall quality (top 5 aside) is not that different from what we've seen in the Open divisions in the Czech Republic competitions. People make mistakes, dogs miss discs, some tricks and sequences don't work the way they're supposed's just the nature of the game. And it really doesn't matter so long as the dog is having fun. In any given routine, some things work perfectly, others not at all. It's only the best that manage to go through two full minutes with few mistakes.

More commentary later, I have to get breakfast before they close.


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    • Prispevkov: 1.916
    • Točke: 7
Odgovori #183 : 19 Oktober 2008, 15:56:23
Jean bravo. Itak sta najboljši par...super res :)  :o.

...Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side...


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  • vedno z mano
Odgovori #184 : 19 Oktober 2008, 17:26:57
Jean, hudičevo sta lahko ponosni na svoj mega rezultat. 

18. NA SVETU!!!

Ne štet točke in se spraševat kaj bi in kaj ne.   Samo ponosna si lahko nase in na psičko! 

To je res izjemen rezultat. BRAVO!!!

Never argue with an idiot; first he will drag you down to his level, then he will beat you with experience :P


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  • AM Aska
Odgovori #185 : 19 Oktober 2008, 17:30:14
Bravo Jean in čestitke :o :o


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Odgovori #186 : 19 Oktober 2008, 17:34:44
Bravo Jean :o, samo še 17 mest do moje napovedi ;) :P

Dajmo Slovenci... Ups, tu so pa "Ameriške Slovenke" boljše...

Bolj črno kot belo, ampak lepo ...


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Odgovori #187 : 19 Oktober 2008, 17:46:35
Odlično Jean :o čestitke !!! Tudi nama je in v Stromovki in na EC zmanjkalo čisto malo, pa sem bil vseeno zelo zadovoljen :).
 :o Ne morem verjet, da sta premagali Ulfija, braaavooo. Koliko točka samo je pa dosegel v minidistance?
Če je Darek slučajno posnel kakšnega Jackr russellčka se toplo priporočam za posentek :-[.

Kar tako naprej, mi smo full ponosni na vaju ;)


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  • žakc :)
Odgovori #188 : 19 Oktober 2008, 17:47:22
Iskrene čestitke! Res lep dosežek  8)


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  • BC Buffy in Gia & muca Suki
Odgovori #189 : 19 Oktober 2008, 17:58:45
Čestitke za super rezultate  :o


  • ° Žleht kot pes °
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  • *love dogs*
Odgovori #190 : 19 Oktober 2008, 18:51:03
Jean and Lyra, we are soo proud on you two!!!

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

LP, Maja



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    • Prispevkov: 5.773
    • Točke: 4
  • Venka
Odgovori #191 : 19 Oktober 2008, 19:00:41


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Odgovori #192 : 19 Oktober 2008, 19:13:45
Čestitke!!!!! :o :o :o


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    • Prispevkov: 5.522
    • Točke: 1
Odgovori #193 : 19 Oktober 2008, 19:24:54
Bravo super sta  :o :o :o
Res smo ponosni na vaju  :-* :-*


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Odgovori #194 : 19 Oktober 2008, 20:49:57

   Bravo Jean in Lyra, 18 mesto na sveto ni kar tako!!!   8) :o :o Čestitamo!!!  :o :o :o


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    • Prispevkov: 4.255
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  • I like my dog better than I like most people.
Odgovori #195 : 19 Oktober 2008, 21:11:43
Way to go babes  :o. Super rezultati. Mis smo že vedeli, da moramo poslati vaju dol.

Še veliko sreče, predvsem pa nič vetra in žur!

Joj ata jaz sem pa mislila, da Jean izhaja iz Škotske  :-[ (najbrž zarad priimka).

Psi so najbolj iskreni prijatelji :):):)


  • *
    • Prispevkov: 2.898
    • Točke: 9
Odgovori #196 : 19 Oktober 2008, 21:16:54
Jean čestitke!  :o

"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."


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    • Prispevkov: 971
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Odgovori #197 : 19 Oktober 2008, 21:24:45
Čestitke!  :o 8)


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    • Prispevkov: 1.304
    • Točke: 2
  • ash
Odgovori #198 : 19 Oktober 2008, 21:26:07
Čestitke  :o


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Odgovori #199 : 19 Oktober 2008, 23:30:23
Jean in Lyra, super sta!!

Upam, da bosta uživali še naprej, in da pridno srkaš vase novo znanje ;D

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


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  • Živa & Grom
Odgovori #200 : 20 Oktober 2008, 09:02:32
BRAVO!!! :o

LP Jasna, Živa, Grom in Rea

I’m trying to catch up with my dog…


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Odgovori #201 : 20 Oktober 2008, 09:47:50
 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


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Odgovori #202 : 20 Oktober 2008, 10:06:29

Kako pa kaj zadnji rezultati?

mogoce jaz (americanka z ameriskim psom, ki zastopata Slovenijo ::)). 
Drugo leto pa seveda nas bo vsaj 5 iz Slovenije, a ne?

Alba, sem to samo prebral v tem postu, drugače pa ne vem...

Bolj črno kot belo, ampak lepo ...


  • *
    • Prispevkov: 4.255
    • Točke: 3
  • I like my dog better than I like most people.
Odgovori #203 : 20 Oktober 2008, 10:15:06
uuppsss očitno sem prehitro brala poste, pa mi je ušlo. Jean oprosti, ker sem te krstila za Škotinjo  :-[.

Komaj čakam današnje poročilo.

Psi so najbolj iskreni prijatelji :):):)


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    • Prispevkov: 2.324
    • Točke: 6
Odgovori #204 : 20 Oktober 2008, 15:05:36

   Bravo Jean in Lyra, 18 mesto na sveto ni kar tako!!! 

OK, let's not exaggerate.  ::) This doesn't mean we're the 18th best in the world, or even in the top 100...plenty of great frisbee dogs weren't at this tournament. And in fact the guy who won the qualification on Friday (Lawrence Frederick) put his back out and didn't even enter on Saturday. We still have a LOT to learn and work on. And this experience has helped us do that.

I still think our 1st freestyle was scored a bit low, especially the canine score. I heard a few people on Sunday complaining about that--their dogs were scored unusually low as well, compared to scores in past events. It's one thing if the judge scores everybody on the low side (because it doesn't affect the overall order) but that wasn't the case here--some dogs got very high scores, other dogs who were nearly as good much lower. But that's the way these things work, any of you who have been to dog shows have no doubt experienced something similar--one judge thinks your dog is terrific, another on another day isn't impressed. So it goes.

Sunday was PERFECT weather for frisbee, especially freestyle. Part of me was sorry we weren't competing in freestyle, because conditions were so much better than Saturday's, but another part of me was happy just to relax and enjoy the show. We did the first Super Pro T&F event (National Finals), but didn't do well enough to make the cut (top fifteen) for the International Finals. The wind was funny--there wasn't a lot of it, but just enough to affect long throws, and it kept switching direction! The T&F competitors kept switching ends of the field, because the wind would do a 180-degree shift. In my case (and probably a few others)  during the first round it happened while I was throwing.  :-[ So I started with a tail wind, then the third and fourth throws were into the wind, then I had a tailwind again at the end (and various crosswinds at various times). The second round was on a different field that was more sheltered from the wind. I had three catches for 10.5 points in the first round and 4 catches for 15 points in the second, total of 25.5 (I think), not quite good enough. Would have needed one more catch to advance. Darek and Ulfi had two great rounds of 22 points each, and tied for third place in the National Finals. Ron Watson and Ryder won. So the top fifteen from the Nationals were invited to the International Finals. Unfortunately Darek bombed  :( , mainly due to nervousness. He made throws even Ulfi couldn't catch, and his very last one in the second round went way way sideways into the judge's tent  :-[. So he finished something like 13th or 14th. Ron Watson was last. Just the way it goes--someone who's brilliant in one set of rounds can completely blow it in another.

The freestyle was very nice to watch. I think the final order was 1. Mark Muir and BC Rocket 2. Mona and Toah (a Japanese woman and her incredible Malinois) 3. Tracy Custer (last year's champion) and Raccoon Jack (Australian cattle dog) 4. Shaun Hirai and BC Shack. Full results will be online later.

Best part for me and Lyra was at the end, when the most people had gone home and the field was clear and the lights were on, perfect throwing conditions, I practiced some really long throw (Quadruped stuff) first without her and then with her. She made four catches in a row, each time they were between 50-60 yards (not quite as far as the same figures in meters). We did a bit of freestyle jamming, too, it was great because there was no pressure, just total frisbee fun. I didn't work her too hard, though, because I want her rested for the trip back. Afterwards Darek and I and Ron and Apryl and a few others went out to eat together. In this part of Georgia you can't buy alcohol anywhere on a Sunday  ::), not in restaurants, bars, or stores, so I had to wait till I got back to my hotel room to have a beer (which I'd had the foresight to buy earlier in the week).

Dominant breed was BC, plenty of aussies, too, some cattle dogs (Tracy Custer has a bunch of them), couple of Malinois...culto, I didn't see any PRTs  :(, and just one JRT (from Japan). The whole competition was videotaped professionally, and the CD will be available for purchase in a couple of months. I'll try to get some stuff from Darek before then.

We both need breakfast now, and then I have to pack. I'll try to check in one more time before we leave for the airport, then the next time will likely be via sms to cacy from Frankfurt.


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    • Prispevkov: 60
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Odgovori #205 : 20 Oktober 2008, 15:42:44
Jean čestitke  za tvoj trud in zastopstvo Slovencev na svetovnem prvenstvu.  :D   ;D  :D Vemo,da sta kot vedno ti in Lyra dala vse od sebe zato mislim, da ti tvojih rezultatov tam ni potrebno opravičevati.
Mi ki te poznamo smo vsi ponosni nate. :-*  :-*  :-*
Sedaj ti le želimo miren let domov  8)  in ko se vidimo si že povemo kako je bilo tam doli.



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    • Prispevkov: 2.324
    • Točke: 6
Odgovori #206 : 20 Oktober 2008, 17:40:58
Cez 20 minut grem na letalisce, naslednje sporocilo bo po vsej verjetnosti iz Slovenije (mogoce ze iz Frankfurta, ampak tam nimam brezplacnega interneta). Vmes bom sporocila cacy po sms-u.

Jean and Lyra


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  • Venka
Odgovori #207 : 20 Oktober 2008, 18:01:37
Jean, srečno pot nazaj!


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  • V eni roki nosim sonce, v drugi roki zlati smeh...
Odgovori #208 : 20 Oktober 2008, 18:17:54
cacy: če bo Jean prespala v MotelOne, potem ima na voljo brezplačni internet ;)

Lp, Črt


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Odgovori #209 : 20 Oktober 2008, 19:50:21