
cacy · 2879


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
: 19 Oktober 2008, 22:12:43
Ta tema je namenjena vsem zlatim dušam po celi Sloveniji, ki ste prispevali za uresničitev sanj Jean McCollister

Dejansko ni besed, ki bi opisale kakšni so občutki ob taki radodarnosti vseh vas. Veliko med darovalci Jean niti ne pozna osebo, le preko foruma, a vas to ni oviralo in ste vseeno pomagali.  :-* :-* :-*

Prav nevrjetno je, kako smo lahko v slabih 2 tednih zbrali toliko denarja in omogočili Jean in njeni Lyri nastop na svetovnem prvenstvu, kjer sta se tudi odlično izkazali.  :o

Sama sem pač taka oseba, ki rada pomaga prijateljem v stiski in z veseljem sem se lotila tudi te "akcije"!

Naj povem, da se je vsega skupaj zbralo 1.540€ :o
S tem denarjem smo kupili avionsko vozovnoci, nočišča v hotelih, Jean je lahko pokrila stroške prijavnine na tekmovanje, ter tudi nekaj drugih stroškov (prehrana, pervoz ipd.).
Na začetku akcije si nisem upala niti pomisliti, da se bo zbralo toliko denarja :-[ Res nevrjetno!

Črtu (trigi) :-* Ani (kala,runo,bella) :-* Tini Ciglar :-* Tjaši (deteljica) :-* Andreji (satin) :-* Petri &Cenetu (5rca&njen "mož") :-* Matrini (martina.o) :-* Božotu (ata) :-* Borutu Jeraj :-* Urši Vadnjal :-* Tomažu (culto) :-* Nadji (zoe) :-* Kristini Beganovič :-* Družini Lenič :-* Maji &Benotu (majchy&njen "mož") :-* Maši :-* Maji &Meretu (atrichoka&njen "mož) :-* Mateji Rutnik :-* Andreji Rener :-* Poloni Bonač :-* Urški (lilit) :-* Alenki Bajc :-* Sonji :-* Vladki & Daši :-* Maji (ovčka) :-* Ceciliji :-* Minči & Evi :-* Sandri Stevanovič :-* Andražu & Tini :-* Petri (petrca) :-* Sandri (kalahit) :-* Jani Krek :-* Barbari (alba) :-* Barbari Peroci :-* Urši (uša) :-* Sibili :-* Katarini Drasler :-* Hojki Kraiger :-* Mojci Rupnik :-* Nataši (ash) :-* Nini Kramar :-* Pavli Lah :-* Družini Colja :-* Psarni Chunas Legacy :-* Nekomu, ki je nakazal brez podpisa :-* Maji (Mayča) :-* ter vsem tistim, ki ste prispevali v šparovček na agility tekmi in frisbee seminarju :-*

Jst upam, da nisem koga pozabila, ker si popolnoma vsi zaslužite OGROMNO zahvalo! :-*


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #1 : 20 Oktober 2008, 13:23:49
Sem pozabila nekoga... se opravičujem!

Hvala Radovanu Obal (Fiver) za donacijo :-*


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Odgovori #2 : 28 Oktober 2008, 17:56:45
I would like to add my personal thanks to all the donors, as well as to everyone who wished us well and cheered us on from afar. You have been more than generous, you have been simply incredible. I'm not even sure who a couple of you are (we've never met in person) yet still you reached into your wallet and helped us realize this dream. Together we raised enough to cover all the costs cited by cacy. Thanks also to Ziva (Jasna Sen), who I don't see listed, for the offer of a contribution in kind.

It's hard to single out particular individuals for special mention, since there's a risk of overlooking someone equally worthy, but I'd like to especially thank Nina and Crt at Pesjanar for hosting the fundraising campaign and placing our appeal on the front page, 5rca not only for her and Cene's contribution but also the offer to loan us a crate for Lyra's travel, the Colja family for (in addition to a donation) providing a Slovenian flag, the crate that we used, and all-round support, both moral and practical, including the loan of the computer I'm currently writing on while mine is being repaired. Thanks to mayca and cacy for donating their fair share of the Trbovlje seminar proceeds to our travel needs (despite my protests). Thanks to all who met as at the airport, what a fantastic reception.

Most of all, A VERY BIG THANK YOU, HUG AND A KISS TO CACY.  :-* None of this would have been possible without her key involvement in spearheading and managing the campaign. There are millions of tasks she performed, all with her characteristic effieciency and success, from start to finish. I couldn't even begin to list them all. Everything from promotion and advertising to handling the money to acting as courier...she is an organizer par excellence, as we saw already earlier in the year when the Czechs gave a seminar and we had our very first frisbee competition in Slovenia. When I qualified for the WC and started thinking seriously about actually going, she was the first person I turned to for help, and boy did she deliver. She has done more for the development of dogfrisbee in Slovenia than any single individual, including me. I get to do the fun, high-profile stuff, like attending seminars and competitions abroad and then playing with people and dogs when I come back. Cacy's done some of that, but she's the one who works tirelessly behind the scenes doing things that are absolutely essential for things to go smoothly but that most of the rest of us aren't even aware of.

I can't hope to repay any of you individually, but I do promise to pay it forward, as they say. Meaning I will do my utmost in the coming months and beyond to help raise money so that future participants from Slovenia will also have the opportunity to compete in the sport regardless of their financial circumstances.

Thank you all.

Jean and Lyra


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  • Bode, Lin, Arriel in Dreamy
Odgovori #3 : 28 Oktober 2008, 20:20:49
Joj pa res... na njo sem pa čisto pozabila :-[

Hvala tudi Jasni Šen  :-*


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Odgovori #4 : 28 Oktober 2008, 21:34:41
Cacy, ne bit tako skromna :D

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"


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  • vedno z mano
Odgovori #5 : 29 Oktober 2008, 08:26:25

Never argue with an idiot; first he will drag you down to his level, then he will beat you with experience :P


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  • I like my dog better than I like most people.
Odgovori #6 : 29 Oktober 2008, 12:37:52
:-* :-* :-*.

Jean and Lyra or anyone else - anytime.

Ko bi bila izpolnitev sanj vsakega tako enostavna ;).

Psi so najbolj iskreni prijatelji :):):)


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Odgovori #7 : 04 November 2008, 10:02:19
Še nekaj bi tu dodala, čeprav tisti, ki se jim bom tukaj zahvalila za pomoč, niso na forumu. Vseeno se javno zahvaljujem:

Zavodu za šport, Sežana, ki nama je dovolila trening na igrišču v atletskem stadionu; ŠKD Ajdovščina, ki je ves čas podprlo razvoj dogfrisbeeja v Sloveniji, na več načinov, odkar sem se kot njihova članica začela bolj resno ukvarjati z tem športom; Jani in Deanu Cvetko, ki sta Lyrin največj fan club in ki sta tudi skrbela za Olivio v času najine odsotnosti; Milku Novič, ki ima najlepši travnik v Brjah--raven, velik, lepo pokošen, in blizu vasi--in je nam dovolil neomejen dostop do njega zaradi treninga.


Če sem koga pozabila, se bom še oglasila.  ;)